peek raws

Kuma September 14, 2019 11:45 pm

just for people who curious but keep short not too much info... I don't understand raw but pictures. FYI I'm not good at summary or give fact if i cant read raw

in ch 50 she finally wakes from expressionless defense mode
---ps. just text and one pic describe how mage doing-- not happy here

abt 55 ch, she finally found out more about her power. hm something with two things and seem mystery green hair related to past with the first lady in the background story

55-60s we will see 13th boy (slave) how he doing and seem live same place with them but what his future identity not sure, maybe servant or worker? he becomes so cute boy with his pure smile

62-65 mc seek bro in the capital, something about his celebrate moment, award or graduation not sure
---- hm something up with prince with his dark expression. I want to know if he same boat with queen

66ch time skip; she got taller.

50-60s, it too hard not shipping Emiel with our sweet girl. IDK if a loving kind but he def the most important person in her life. after all he able to help wake from a terrific situation. he saves her from jump off balcony.

there so many fluff moments between family and maid/knight, etc. so adorable that couldn't express here summary.

    Delling September 15, 2019 12:36 am

    13 it's not a boy, she's a girl, i won't write spoilers but yeah she's a nice girl.
    i could only read it up to chapter 58, where did you get the rest?

    Kuma September 15, 2019 1:11 am

    thank so much for clear up on my mistake part. i just skim through. i saw someone post link so I'm use this for raw나는-이-집-아이

    Delling September 17, 2019 3:09 am

    thank you !