ChicKei September 14, 2019 6:46 pm

So she said that the emperor is 150years old..and that she was reborned after 100years, means she is 50years old now..and we all know that the little boy mc saved is sidis (it was obvious unless there a twist somewhere) so that means that sidis is 150years old now and that mc is 50years old?
THIS IS A CRIME Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Ren September 17, 2019 10:39 pm

    Well, they have abnormal life spans so I don’t think in terms of age (in that world) they are that far apart. I mean, the dude looks barely 20 and he’s 150, so they obviously have very long life spans

    ChicKei September 21, 2019 10:16 pm
    Well, they have abnormal life spans so I don’t think in terms of age (in that world) they are that far apart. I mean, the dude looks barely 20 and he’s 150, so they obviously have very long life spans Ren

    Still so confusing sksjsk

    Kemalkira October 8, 2019 5:19 am

    Well, I'm guessing she is 20 now. If she was reborn 100 years after her death, she died 120 years ago. If the emperor is 150 yo, he was 30 when she died ( and she was 60 ). They only have abnormal life spans if they are magical and live close to the light (guessing too).