Don’t kill me but—

Alextheaveragetrap September 13, 2019 12:10 pm

I think it’s damaging to real gay relationships that almost every yaoi is led from rape, especially since its heavily fetishized and don’t say fujoshis can differentiate yaoi from real life because I’ve witnessed them at cons screaming at guys to kiss to bring their ship to life- most of the time they’re not even gay. I’ve had people come up to me saying I’m lucky because they wish they were gay guys.

    Akino_Yonaga September 15, 2019 7:33 pm

    I think I'd have understood your comment under any other manga, but omegaverse is a whole different thing. I'm not sure if you've read straight alpha romances (there are lots of light novels about that), but they're every bit as problematic as this stuff, with the alpha usually treating their mate as crap.

    Shirayuki September 16, 2019 12:47 pm

    I’m sorry that you have to feel that way. I believe what you are searching for is not Yaoi BUT shonen-ai. There is a difference between these two genres. Yaoi is much more sexualized and sometimes, full blown pornography. Shonen Ai is much more realistic. Not all Fujoshi are like that, trust me. It comes with age. Older people know better than to fetishize it.

    I feel like it’s not just Yaoi that fetishizes romance. Sometimes, when I read Shoujo romance, it’s also fetishizing straight hetero relationships with all the classic Japanese tropes, painting unrealistic standards on both men and women. So really, I think it’s more of their culture where fetishizing is allowed because their real culture is much more stressful than we see and they need to dream a little. I’m sorry that you feel bad about it, but I for one, do not mind these types of genres existing because I know what their real purpose is and it’s not harmful. What’s harmful is what the people do with it, not the genre itself.

    Graydaze September 16, 2019 2:10 pm

    I can understand where you're at because I felt the same at one point. As a gay guy myself I initially took offense at the forced sex to love scenario, until I opened myself up and really looked at the culture it stemmed from. It's sometimes very repressed and must be stressful as all hell to meet some of the expectations they're hit with. We both know that sex between two men is nothing like its portrayed in Yaoi, it's not as easy as spit on two fingers and let the moans begin. What I have discovered is that Yaoi is a great place for hot and heavy sex scenes, unrealistic as some may be, but stimulating none the less. Some Yaoi is very shocking and dark, but it gets what it's supposed to, views and sales. I'm sure you're right that there may be some skewed views of gay sex because of some stories, but as these girls mature into their own sexual selves they'll realize art vs reality. I really urge you not to give up on Yaoi, but make use of it "our" way as an outlet and some heavy "fapping" material. I also love Shonen Ai, you can't beat it for the love stories, it's like discovering a world that's written just for our fantasies, even though it's originally intended for younger girls, lol. Love to ya brother.

    Akasha September 16, 2019 2:11 pm
    I’m sorry that you have to feel that way. I believe what you are searching for is not Yaoi BUT shonen-ai. There is a difference between these two genres. Yaoi is much more sexualized and sometimes, full blown... Shirayuki

    This. All of this. Saying the genre is harmful and turns people into rapists is like saying violent video games turn people into murderers. And I agree. I think this individual would definitely prefer shounen-ai. Not everyone can handle yaoi and there's no shame in that. There are some controversial topics mixed in with the graphic sex, so it can be intense to read at times.

    Leta Cent September 16, 2019 3:22 pm
    This. All of this. Saying the genre is harmful and turns people into rapists is like saying violent video games turn people into murderers. And I agree. I think this individual would definitely prefer shoun... Akasha

    Ok the thing is while video games don't make murders but it can make you be more violent then the rest of the population. And guess what there are tons of research proving such. When I was to Young, to really understand, I was the same I wasn't full on hitting people like others can get but I would slightly get more violent like pushing and such. With rape there are soooo many ignorant people in this world that will read this and say oh wow I guess it's ok to do this. ( I guess it not everyone but for the fee many pay) Like there are sex robots that the public had to fight cause some rich men wanted a rape feature cause I guess the clenching and screams is greay. We are currently dealing with a society that is victim blaming rape victims and letting off rapists Scot free from prision which is why US entertainment is trying to minimize rape EVEN in porn and believe me I have checked. Just like you won't see racism in a movie ( unless that's the point in showing minority discrimination) cause some idiots will be more likely to do it. So I get it some people might like rape but there really is no point in putting it in entertainment and especially not in every single story like Japan does. At this point I just ignore it caise it's Japan and while the US is moving on I can see that they might not but don't tell others what they can or can't read or tell some that is affected but the unrealistic portrait of his sexuality and tell him to ignore it. While the rest of us just ignore it he has a point that there is really no point in having rape.

    Leta Cent September 16, 2019 3:32 pm

    I am soooo sorry you had to go through this. I am and don't want to justify anything but Japan is a bit behind in entertainment. You are less likely to see rape in us entertainment ( unless the point is to show the effects of it like 13 reasons why) like even porn has less of it and it's also some what annoying to see how some women will get mad over a story portraying a women getting rape but say men getting rapped is hot. I just it just cause they enjoy the sex regardless. Personally from what I have seen yaoi is made for women and is by women that put into there sexual fantasy. I am sorry that my gender isn't even trying to put effort into making some stories more realistic. And I agree that rape has no point in a story and it's annoying to see how it's romanticized. Like most of the yaoi on here would have worked just as well without the rape they have but I guess for some it seems like the only way to get the plot moving ( which I don't get). If you like, I can look for some yaoi that I have that doesn't have rape I do have a few that are adorable ( like you just remove the rape and no cringe happens but I guess others still enjoy it untill it's there gender) but I dought that I have many or any in that matter that are realistic but don't let others shy you away from yaoi if you don't want to.

    Kyu14 September 16, 2019 3:32 pm

    Maybe the bigger problem here is you people not being able to tell the difference between fiction and reality?
    People see horror movies it's not like we wanna be in that escenario?

    Stop policing what people like, and start learning that reality =/= fiction

    Leta Cent September 16, 2019 3:34 pm
    I think I'd have understood your comment under any other manga, but omegaverse is a whole different thing. I'm not sure if you've read straight alpha romances (there are lots of light novels about that), but th... Akino_Yonaga

    Ok so your saying that just cause it's omegaverse it needs rape? I have read a few omegelaverses that don't have rape and they aren't lacking in anything. Like really alphas HAVE to treat there mate like crap? Since when was that part of the gender descriptions.

    Shirayuki September 16, 2019 3:49 pm

    Tbh I agree. Things like art and literature have always been in the spotlight for being “inappropriate” or “unethical” but you can’t stop people from conveying what they want. There’s a reason authors sometimes use rape in their stories. At times, it’s depicted in a really realistic way where the victim does realize he/she has been raped and that it is unacceptable. However, there are also stories that depict rape carelessly and I would like to bring into attention that it’s because the INTENTION is different.

    They’re not sexualizing rape. Everyone KNOWS no one wants to be treated in real life the same way. You can take all the fujoshi and if they’re treated like the uke in Yaoi manga hell no, not a single one of them would accept it as “okay”. People aren’t that dumb. So this rape business is literally just there as a sex scene for the sake of getting people aroused, NOT to promote it that it’s ok. It’s not a book’s job to teach people rape is wrong. That’s your parent’s jobs. You don’t see all kids reading these things and becoming rapists. Ok sure, it could be contributing to increasing rape rates but as I said, that sure as hell isn't the book’s responsibility. It’s whoever read it that didn’t know better.

    And to the comment above, I don’t think Japan is behind in entertainment or anything. Just like how foreigners get so confused when Japanese comedians slap a girl on the head in their comedy routine, it’s a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. Not everything HAS to be the way the US is. Each country grew differently and have different mind sets and situations that led to this stuff being OKAY in the present. It’s not bad for them to make this stuff. I don’t see any Japanese news stating Yaoi is harmful to their society. This is coming from a country that sells sex toys and crap in the open. It’s the normal there. And their people aren’t under-developed.

    Graydaze September 16, 2019 4:22 pm
    Tbh I agree. Things like art and literature have always been in the spotlight for being “inappropriate” or “unethical” but you can’t stop people from conveying what they want. There’s a reason autho... Shirayuki

    Well said, I think I love you.

    yasuha September 16, 2019 4:55 pm

    Most yaoi containing rape are tagged with "rape". If you don't like rape, pay more attention to the tags.

    Just because a few people are too dumb/mental to differentiate between fiction and reality, doesn't mean that the rest of us is the same.

    Also, humans kill and torture each other since humans exist. So the problem is not some inappropriate stories or video games, humans themselves are the problem.

    Alextheaveragetrap September 16, 2019 5:58 pm
    This. All of this. Saying the genre is harmful and turns people into rapists is like saying violent video games turn people into murderers. And I agree. I think this individual would definitely prefer shoun... Akasha

    When did I ever say it turns people into rapists? By all means defend your favorite genre but don’t put words in my mouth.

    Alextheaveragetrap September 16, 2019 5:59 pm
    Maybe the bigger problem here is you people not being able to tell the difference between fiction and reality?People see horror movies it's not like we wanna be in that escenario?Stop policing what people like,... Kyu14

    I know the difference, it’s the fact I’m not going to sit back and giggle about real world issues.

    Alextheaveragetrap September 16, 2019 6:02 pm
    Tbh I agree. Things like art and literature have always been in the spotlight for being “inappropriate” or “unethical” but you can’t stop people from conveying what they want. There’s a reason autho... Shirayuki

    It’s literally fujoshis saying they wish they’d have boyfriends like that- when the boyfriend is a rapist. You never seen people romanticize Killing Stalking? I was a rape victim and the fact I can’t express my dislike for it in stories without someone telling me I’m basically wrong for judging it, is sad.

    Alextheaveragetrap September 16, 2019 6:04 pm
    I’m sorry that you have to feel that way. I believe what you are searching for is not Yaoi BUT shonen-ai. There is a difference between these two genres. Yaoi is much more sexualized and sometimes, full blown... Shirayuki

    I don’t have an issue with reading sex scenes, that’s why I read sometimes. I just can’t grasp why rape is the main point and heavily brushed over. I rarely read a story when someone is raped by the protagonist and left them alone healthy- it’s usually rape to love scenarios.

    Kyu14 September 16, 2019 6:08 pm
    I know the difference, it’s the fact I’m not going to sit back and giggle about real world issues. Alextheaveragetrap

    A cartoon getting raped is not real.

    Get on ver your high horse, there's a million ways you can help make conscience about irl issues but a manga porn site is not one of them.
    But, I get it, actually doing and working to change the world is harder than just coming here and looking down on people for their kinks. Easy way to feel superior.

    Alextheaveragetrap September 16, 2019 6:22 pm
    A cartoon getting raped is not real.Get on ver your high horse, there's a million ways you can help make conscience about irl issues but a manga porn site is not one of them.But, I get it, actually doing and wo... Kyu14

    Okay- here. I’m not superior for saying rape is bad, most fujoshis are young and impressionable. Read that.

    Alextheaveragetrap September 16, 2019 6:23 pm

    Anyone in this thread, read this. You probably won’t but this is a opinion based from a gay guy.

    Alextheaveragetrap September 16, 2019 6:24 pm
    A cartoon getting raped is not real.Get on ver your high horse, there's a million ways you can help make conscience about irl issues but a manga porn site is not one of them.But, I get it, actually doing and wo... Kyu14

    Also, what exactly could I do? Beat up every rapist? Most rapists are trusted friends by statistics so I should go fight everyone? If rape is your kink— that says enough about you dear.

    Kyu14 September 16, 2019 6:54 pm
    Also, what exactly could I do? Beat up every rapist? Most rapists are trusted friends by statistics so I should go fight everyone? If rape is your kink— that says enough about you dear. Alextheaveragetrap

    Rape is not my kink, thx for assuming that makes you look great, but I'm not gonna judge anyone based on what fantasies they have. Cause sexual fantasies are a lot more complex than 'I like reading rape therefore I wanna get raped/rape someone'

    Again, by that logic just get away from anyone that watches horror movies cause any of them might be a killer!!

    Also, idk but coming here and judging people based on what they like to read is also not helping anyone, so, stop it too. And find something more productive to do with your time that might actually change the world
    What? That's for you to research since you're SOOOOO concerned. But yes. I know, that requires you to actually work and put effort.
