Does anyone know which manga this is?

Momoland September 12, 2019 7:26 am

A boy and a man meet each other on the street, the boy kind of helps/saves the man who almost gets hit by a car because he is crying, they end up talking and hooking up and the boy comforts him. He looks older than he is and lies about his age, so the man thinks the boy is in college, but the truth is that he is a mere highschooler. They have fun, but also some feelings develop which are put to a stop when the man gets a job at the boy's school as a professor and finds out his age. The boy seems to like the man a lot and wants to continue their relations and tries to win him over and when they finally end up embracing after some time and tearfully hug, another teacher walks in and catches them. The man gets fired, threatened never to see the boy again and he ends up working at a university where the boy decides to go to school when he is old enough. In the end, they reunite and rekindle their relationship after not seeing each other for a long time, both waiting for one another. Please, if you know what story this is, tell me!
