Lol this reminds me that one time my mom went to see a fortune teller, my mom asked the fo...

SSilverbunny September 11, 2019 9:38 pm

Lol this reminds me that one time my mom went to see a fortune teller, my mom asked the fortune teller about me (i was in another room at that time) she said I was a reincarnated old lady.

So then my mom introduced me to ANOTHER fortune teller and she said the same thing, this happened another time aswell, but nobody was honestly surprised because I act like an old lady sometimes, I even have an antique tea set collection lol( ̄∇ ̄")

    JAZZMINE September 22, 2019 2:36 am

    But aren’t we usually all reincarnated old people tho ????

    Neoncandles October 27, 2019 4:30 pm
    But aren’t we usually all reincarnated old people tho ???? JAZZMINE

    Unless u died young