I hate this manhwa

NekoLoka September 11, 2019 9:37 pm

I hate this manhwa, it pretends to be a feminist manhwa, but all it has is sexism, and to top it off, sexism that makes no sense.
What is the need for so much misogyny?
One thing that is considered inferior to women for not having magic, and another is to deny all their other abilities (such as intelligence, diplomacy, expression, physical), and to be continually punishing and killing them (Even dogs are treated better).
This is simple childish hatred and meaningless or purposeless.
(There isn´t even love for family relationships, and everyone allows it)
And the worst part is that it tries to create seriousness and drama, but only makes it more childish and meaningless.
Not to say that somehow the country's past coincidentally is related to Korea, and not the ancient language, the modern one that the protagonist knows.
And the worst of the worst is that this manhwa only says that in order for men and women to be considered "equal", they have to love themselves "freely", what about the same rights of education, work, protection, independence?
They only use the word "love" and "feminism", to try to project an image of the "man naturally loving the woman, and protecting her instinctively, since she is vulnerable."
That isn´t feminist or romantic, it is totally sexist.
And the protagonist all she does is follow social norms, to manipulate the people around her, without ever doing something, letting everyone fall in love with her for her conveniently natural beauty, but never doing anything for herself, and letting herself be treated as trash (What does she have as a feminist? The worst part is that all her relationships are false, nobody knows her true feelings or personality).
And then it is that her brothers and father are falling in love with her, I know that the protagonist doesn´t see them as her real brothers or parents, but they are still related to blood, and she uses those feelings to manipulate them, sincerely it is disturbing.
And of the supposed country that women and men are supposedly equal (Thing I doubt), she only care about love and couples, it isn´t that love is wrong, but I think it is more important to prioritize protection laws, studies, work, and that women can live independently.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg, I don't like this manhwa at all, all it to do is romanticize sexism, and portray women as vulnerable and useless by themselves, so they have to manipulate those around them (Strong and useful men) to achieve their goals.
I hate this manhwa, it's horrible.

    mioamato September 14, 2019 9:44 am

    Not to say you are wrong or anything, but I think you're missing the point of this manhwa. I can't claim that I understand it perfectly, but IMO, it's just showcasing the ridiculousness of misogyny, though a bit convoluted in its execution. And though I agree with you in some parts, I can't help but think you're taking this too seriously. All of the characters are ridiculous, the plot is ridiculous and that's that.

    The protagonist is not that useless, though I can say that she is passive. But I understand that seeing as every single male in her vicinity can snap her into two without anyone batting an eye to it, be she a favored Royal one or no. It's one thing to push for laws about equality, it's another to push forward ideals without anyone else to support you. I agree with the tactic to start with changing the mind of the King and the Princes, because who in their kingdom would ever dare to contradict those three? Some, maybe, but their words would have effect on their people. And it's not even that her brothers are falling in love with her, they're starting to CARE for her as her BROTHERS in which there is a huge difference.

    Lastly, when you said that they have to love themselves "freely", I'm afraid that I don't understand it. Like, is there anything wrong with people learning to love one another regardless of sex? That is the first way to attain "equality", IMO. So I don't exactly get what you mean by it.

    Sorry for the long ass rant.

    NekoLoka September 14, 2019 11:17 am
    Not to say you are wrong or anything, but I think you're missing the point of this manhwa. I can't claim that I understand it perfectly, but IMO, it's just showcasing the ridiculousness of misogyny, though a bi... mioamato

    Thank you for reading my comment in detail, and sending me an opinion.
    Perhaps it is true that the author had planned to put these issues as ridiculous, and I ended up taking it very seriously, when I should have taken it with more humor, it's just that these issues of discrimination I never take them as a joke, even when they are black humor (They tend to be offensive jokes for me).
    I guess it is true that the protagonist doesn´t have many options, living in a place where she can be killed at any time and place without consequences for it, it is just that she already had that attitude and manipulative behavior in her previous life, to take advantage of her beauty and act like a "nice girl" so many men made her favors and give her gifts without asking anything in return (I don't like that kind of manipulative behavior in men or women).
    I suppose that these passive tactics are more convenient for her in a place where she cannot act actively, only that it gives me the impression that the protagonist has never acted actively in anything, neither in her previous life nor in the current one (That tends to happen to people that they get used to using others to do anything for you).
    And I would like to think that you are right that the brothers and the father aren´t falling in love with her, rather I hope you are right about it.
    Just don´t forget that there their brother-sister and father-daughter relationships don´t exist because of the stupid and unjustified misogymy, and that the protagonist doesn´t see the father or her brothers as real relatives, besides that for them it is the first time that they are interested in someone of the opposite gender...
    I repeat, I really want to make a mistake with it, only it seems to me that the author is leaving clues of that kind.
    Regarding love, I want to make it clear that I am not against men and women loving each other freely, the problem is that they are putting the image of "gender equality=men and women loving each other freely" as the only image of gender equality .
    And the author only puts it that way, because the main objective of the protagonist and the manhwa is hers to be together with her lover of her past life.
    I would like her or the manhwa to prioritize or at least mention other important points of gender equality, such as studies, laws, work, and to be able to live without relying on a man... But no, the important thing is that men and women love each other, so that men protect women (Sarcasm).
    That is romanticizing sexism, and it bothers me.
    But you're right that I should try not to take it so seriously, or not read the manhwa if I'm not going to enjoy it.
    Thanks for your time.

    Spoopy_Noodle September 14, 2019 6:18 pm

    But like the sexism does make sense ( the women don’t have magical powers so they’re not as strong as men therefore they are down graded)

    Spoopy_Noodle September 14, 2019 6:19 pm
    But like the sexism does make sense ( the women don’t have magical powers so they’re not as strong as men therefore they are down graded) Spoopy_Noodle

    And even if the sexism doesn’t make sense to you have you thought about the other things that really don’t make sense

    Spoopy_Noodle September 14, 2019 6:20 pm
    And even if the sexism doesn’t make sense to you have you thought about the other things that really don’t make sense Spoopy_Noodle

    Like how some dress Victorian and some dress in more Asian store and they have cars and phones but don’t dress modernity to me that makes less sense

    Spoopy_Noodle September 14, 2019 6:21 pm
    Like how some dress Victorian and some dress in more Asian store and they have cars and phones but don’t dress modernity to me that makes less sense Spoopy_Noodle


    Spoopy_Noodle September 14, 2019 6:21 pm
    Like how some dress Victorian and some dress in more Asian store and they have cars and phones but don’t dress modernity to me that makes less sense Spoopy_Noodle


    NekoLoka September 14, 2019 6:55 pm
    But like the sexism does make sense ( the women don’t have magical powers so they’re not as strong as men therefore they are down graded) Spoopy_Noodle

    Even if that sexism makes sense, misogyny doesn´t make sense or that men treat women as if they were their worst enemies, continually killing them, enslaving them, humiliating them, or despising them as bugs.
    They don´t even appreciate that they are of the same species as human beings, or that without women, the human race would be exterminated because there would be no more babies.
    Or worse, they don't even appreciate mother and son or daughter, brother and sister, father and daughter relationships; and that is already really unnatural.
    (And even in real life, the most sexist countries appreciate that kind of things)
    They treat women as if they were dirty aliens that they need but despise, so they enslave them to their need.
    And they are not even able to realize the full potential or benefit of women, because they are busy hating and despising them.
    This makes no sense.

    NekoLoka September 14, 2019 6:57 pm
    Like how some dress Victorian and some dress in more Asian store and they have cars and phones but don’t dress modernity to me that makes less sense Spoopy_Noodle

    I call that "fantasy without imagination."
    The author doesn´t have time or imagination to design new devices or clothing or culture.
    Why do you think the old language that only the protagonist can read is modern Korean?

    Spoopy_Noodle September 14, 2019 10:29 pm
    I call that "fantasy without imagination."The author doesn´t have time or imagination to design new devices or clothing or culture.Why do you think the old language that only the protagonist can read is modern... NekoLoka

    I think what I was trying to say with this comment is that you're reading to much into it at the end of the day I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to be something really detailed or really serious even if the theme of it is i would say to enjoy this manwha you can’t really read to much between the lines or analyze it and just appreciate it for what it is and I’m not saying that your opinion is wrong but if you concentrate on the faults that’s really all your going to see (i hope you know i mean know offense just stating my opinion ;3)

    NekoLoka September 14, 2019 11:05 pm
    I think what I was trying to say with this comment is that you're reading to much into it at the end of the day I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to be something really detailed or really serious even if ... Spoopy_Noodle

    I appreciate your honest opinion, I don't feel offended.
    Let's say I love stories that hide more than they appear, and they end up surprising you in a way that you never imagine, besides that it teaches you things or makes you appreciate ethics and morals more.
    So I am not surprised that I get disappointed (It happens to me often), but the problem I have with this manhwa apart from sexist issues and that makes no sense, is that I find nothing that makes me enjoy it, I don´t like the world or magic or culture or characters or drawing style or plot of manhwa...
    I just put my criticism on why I don't enjoy it (And because I am offended by its sexist and misogynistic themes, and as the way the protagonist deals with them), but you're right that I over-analyze it, although that won't make me like it better.
    The most reasonable thing would be to leave it.

    BongoCat September 15, 2019 3:57 am

    i would be ok with it if this was early in the story. But after so long, she is still a dependent helpless damsel in distress. We can be damsels in distress sometimes, but that doesnt mean we are always damsels in distress that have nothing interesting, no talent or personality and needs someone else to do things for us. Its disgustingly disrespectful to potential of female characters. You dont need to be masculine and know martial arts. Being feminine doesnt mean acting like a doormat, never improving, always staying in the background and stroke the ego of men and expecting the men to do all the work for u. Seriously, Im so done with how Sanghee just sits around at every major chapter and is never given a chance to grow stronger or smarter and u know, lead the story like a main character. Its like convincing us that weakness and cuteness is all women are good for.

    **** women arent dolls for men to toy with. Sanghee is like a barbie doll that has a voice recorder that says nice things about the men on loop for them to feel good. The way they treat sanghee is like the way you treat a doll. No respect as a human being, but more of an object that makes them feel good and serve them. Except the fact that barbie is actually the star of her own movies and has done several jobs, even being an astronaut

    NekoLoka September 15, 2019 2:06 pm
    i would be ok with it if this was early in the story. But after so long, she is still a dependent helpless damsel in distress. We can be damsels in distress sometimes, but that doesnt mean we are always damsels... BongoCat

    I completely agree!
    Well said, even Barbey is a better protagonist than Sanghee (Many of his films are "Girl Power!").

    NekoLoka September 15, 2019 2:07 pm
    i would be ok with it if this was early in the story. But after so long, she is still a dependent helpless damsel in distress. We can be damsels in distress sometimes, but that doesnt mean we are always damsels... BongoCat

    *(Many of her films are "Girl Power!")

    mioamato September 16, 2019 10:09 am
    Thank you for reading my comment in detail, and sending me an opinion.Perhaps it is true that the author had planned to put these issues as ridiculous, and I ended up taking it very seriously, when I should hav... NekoLoka

    Hello, thank you for replying to me as well. I think there's nothing wrong with finding issue with the extreme sexism and misogyny of this manhwa. Rather, I'd be surprised if someone didn't think that this is messed up even if they think that this is just story. I agree that Sanghee is extremely passive and that your assessment of her character, as it stands, is accurate. Mayhaps the author is aiming for this to run for years and as such is making everything progress so fucking slowly. Mayhaps the author is just a prejudiced, sexist prick that is passively telling the world of his/her worldview. Even if the author is a wamen herself, this still stands because I've met wamen who, if they weren't born wamen themselves, would have pushed their own children to have no respect for them. Huh. MAYBE that's the thing. The problem is that no other wamen is pushing herself forward in this story. Who knows.

    There's still much to the story to be revealed but I guess your point that incest may still happen is true. I just never thought of it that way.

    I get what you're saying now, stupid me for not realizing it. It would be nice to have more focus on those aspects of gender equity, but I maintain that as per the plot, Sanghee still has no way to push forward social change, be that she is a favored person or not. And that fault lies with the author, me thinks. The author chose to favor the romance more than the plot after all.

    I apologize if you got offended by my remarks, I didn't mean for it to happen. Again, thank you for your reply.

    BongoCat September 16, 2019 10:25 am
    Hello, thank you for replying to me as well. I think there's nothing wrong with finding issue with the extreme sexism and misogyny of this manhwa. Rather, I'd be surprised if someone didn't think that this is m... mioamato

    i heard news that the story ends in chapter165 so... I think we can say good bye to actual equality, and prepare for the "She's not like other girls" trope as she becomes a useless saint that does nothing to confront the men..... sigh

    maychan September 18, 2019 1:09 pm

    preech!! preech the truth!!
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ well it just another trash comic I can say to other's to not read XD nothing new, there is many korean comic's like this one that only show sexists bs on the MC girl.
    not the first one I seen that was annoying like this.

    mioamato September 18, 2019 3:58 pm
    i heard news that the story ends in chapter165 so... I think we can say good bye to actual equality, and prepare for the "She's not like other girls" trope as she becomes a useless saint that does nothing to c... BongoCat

    Really? This is the first time I've read about that hmmmm but that's fine for me. Coz I think people (including me) will lose interest in this soon, what with the extreme wrongness of the plot and the progression of it.

    NekoLoka September 19, 2019 2:25 pm
    Hello, thank you for replying to me as well. I think there's nothing wrong with finding issue with the extreme sexism and misogyny of this manhwa. Rather, I'd be surprised if someone didn't think that this is m... mioamato

    Thank you very much for answering me so kindly, and don´t worry, none of your previous comments offended me in any way.
    And I'm glad to know that we both agree, and I would like to think that I'm wrong about incest, it's just that I see the clues and I don't notice any familiar environment.
    And I hope the manhwa tried to have a feminist ending, that would be nice.

    NekoLoka September 19, 2019 2:32 pm
    i heard news that the story ends in chapter165 so... I think we can say good bye to actual equality, and prepare for the "She's not like other girls" trope as she becomes a useless saint that does nothing to c... BongoCat

    The sad thing is that I expected it.
    ( ̄へ ̄)