No I mean I will hate it if he tries to force them into a marriage she doesn't want and ruin her dream of taking over as heir of her house. If she and the prince really do fall in love, I'm sure the author will write something in the story that will redeem his previous acts before the webtoon ends... Although I'd be lying if I said I didn't want her and Allendis to get it on.
I literally can't stand the psycho prince. At least Allendis is the opposite of that piece of shit (who is irredeemable btw. His basic personality is already formed. The only reason he changed was because Tia changed which means she will ALWAYS be the loser in that relationship. That last is the same with redhead and) if she ends up with Carsein she'll have an interfering psycho b**** mother-in-law, a father-in-law who is a fool who can't figure out who is fake and who is real and a husband who believes rumours over what people actually say. Kauthxbainow.
If the King makes the prince and Tia an official couple I WILL FOREVER HATE HIM... and on a side note adult Carsein look so damn fine.