So... So far the third story took a turn for the worse...

Alice September 9, 2019 11:18 pm

It becomes darker and more twisted chapter after chapter... What I got from it all so far is :So Sean and Jake were friends but Jake had feelings for him and also over heard Sean one day say to their classmates who question their relationship "That it would be gross to be more than friends" which hurts Jake deeply. Later Sean meets Kyle and they fall inlove and start dating (?) I guess Sean is not "grossed out by dating a guy anymore ah? And then Jake learns about it...Which probably led to Jake raped him out of bitterness and jealousy, and from feeling betrayed I guess, not that this justifys his actions. And then now they meet again only for Sean to learn that Kyle is married to Jake's older Sister and not only that but from the latest chapter with the kid I believe Kyle is most likely the father... (Since all that's required is holding hands and they were in a relationship) Also Sean at some point said that he lied to his daughter because he is afraid "they"will take her as well... I think he was talking about the other guy's family (Kyle's) maybe they didn't want him but wanted the baby because it has their blood. You know" rich people not accepting their in law but still care about the grand child" occasion. But again this is all an assumption of mine. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Alice September 9, 2019 11:29 pm

    But again if Kyle was the father he wouldn't hate the kid... Maybe It's Jake's after all and without Jake's knowledge his family took the child from Sean and gave it to the Sister instead pretending to be her's and Kyle's? I am confused ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Onizuka Sensei September 10, 2019 11:26 am

    I don’t think it’s kyle. He obviously doesn’t want that child. It’s either surrogate or from jake. Jake’s family is rich unlike kyle so their family could pay as much as they can. But it seems not from jake too because that lady said “is this kid is from your family?” She didn’t say is this Jake’s/Kyle’s? Well idk which one is true. Just wait to see them but I don’t think we will get the answer soon as a i checked the raw it doesn’t have much things change.

    Murano September 11, 2019 12:39 am

    It requires, actually two things. That is to hold hands, while sleeping