but even if she treated her dad coldly it looks like he closed himself more the moment his wife died making her think that he doesn’t care about her so she couldn’t feel the love a parent is supposed to give to a child making her seek something else making her a stone cold person as you say since she doesn’t know how to act another way

Yes, I agree. Prince Ruve is definitely being more likable in these recent chapters. I, for one, don't really hold his past against him because their miscommunication was caused by both parties. And yes, the real test is when the other girl shows up. AND I agree that red head cutie Carsein is best boy

I agree with you my dude. When it comes to the prince I'm always open minded. There are a lot of factors that we don't know about that has shaped the prince into what he was in the previous timeline. I can't blame him and be mad at him because the past prince that Tia knows is not the prince we see in this timeline. He is surprisingly nice right now and genuinely starting to care about Tia. The real test will begin the moment the other girl appears and only then is when we can really start to judge his character. Now is not the time to immediately critic everything he does.
I just love how the author developed him and how different he is from him in the past/other universe. He is showing so much of his emotions now.
And before you all go hating on the Prince remember that there are two different realities and each of this characters acted different.
Tia in the past was the absolute stone-cold perfectionist who couldn't even show a bit of gratitude and love to her father. She only did it after he died. She was also basically like a stone to the Prince too, never expressed any kind of an emotion. And while we reader know what she feels because we can see her inner thoughts, other characters don't. Imagine if you had someone in real life that is your friend/lover and no matter what happens they show no emotion, they just stay freakishly calm. It is not normal and one would have quite a hard time loving such a person. (And not to mention that prince while growing up constantly was compared to her so he always felt bit inferior to her and bitter about it. And since he never really got the chance to be friends with her, because once again she was distant, he just grew up with that hatred towards her. Also, it seems something happened with her mother too that affected him...)
And her father remained completely silent and distant her whole life because he never knew how to start build a relationship with her. Now he is the most precious being in this whole damn webtoon.
Characters develop and become better - there is no need to hate them forever over something that has happened in the past - or so to say alternative universe. The Prince now is being actually very likeable, out of all three guys (the redhead was really cute and has all my support tho hahahhaha)... however, it yet remains to be seen how he'll act when that other girl shows up. That is going to be the real trial for his character. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧