
No, no, no, this is not a spoiler or a leak, it's just how I think it should end. I wrote it as a form of therapeutical relief.
Sorry if I confused anyone.

Dude you're a seriously good writer danggg
Azusa is assaulted again, his mom finds out, they call the police, they find this counsel of the game and arrest them as well as the teaching body and administration (they are banned for life from any form of teaching), a worldwide scandal after information leak causes the school to be closed. Students will be relegated to numerous different schools. All students are interrogated, investigated and punished accordingly. Students have to attend obligatory therapeutic sessions. Some of them empathy course or some shit. They slowly come to realize that abusing someone isn't actually okay no matter how they tried to justify it. Some of them are actually regretful, some are punished, some move abroad to escape the justice, some get mobbed, some can't take the pressure of the responsibility and kill themselves, some go out of their way to make sure something like this doesn't happen to others, some help abuse victims, etc.
Back to Azusa, on which a lot of negative attention focuses and as per usual nothing good comes his way. Karino is one of those who managed to avoid responsibility and he blackmails Azusa again. It keeps going for a time being until Azusa, at last, has a breakdown (it was a long time coming) and tries to commit suicide. He's found and is taken to the hospital when they somehow save him. He barely manages to survive. They make obduction, exposing him being the rape victim. His mom seeing all the shit that happened makes a long-overdue decision and they move across the country. Azusa, at last, is convinced to start going to therapy in which over the years he slowly deals with his childhood traumas as well as those of his later life.
He comes to realize that his being a victim doesn't justify the abuse on others. He comes to deeply regret it, after a long time he reaches out to the guy in glasses to apologize. He then is one of those who realize they have to redeem themselves by helping others. It helps him get on with life in the end.
Karino on his own realizes the depth of cruelty he put Azusa through after his suicide attempt and decides to fix it, but he never gets the chance. He lives with a bone-deep guilt and sorrow, trapped in his fake life. It goes quite a long time, up until he's 28 and can't take it anymore when he slowly starts to erase himself from a political scene, years after his father's death.
Way too late he realizes that he was actually in love with Azusa. All the more to the misery he's in upon realizing again and again how unforgivable were the things he's done to him. How egotistic he was.
Karino spots Azusa and they talk. Karino apologizes. Azusa accepts. Karino actually cries and tells Azusa he loves him and always will. Azusa smiles, hugs him, kisses him, says "I know. I love you as well. But we're not good for each other. Maybe if we meet again." And leaves. He doesn't plan on meeting again.
Karino never brings himself to date anyone else. To make up for the things he's done he actually tries to do good things, although he never can't quite bring himself to give up the luxuries of his life or one night stands.
At some point, he starts getting nightmares in which he's the monster. After he becomes insomniac, he decides to at last take responsibility for what he's done and admits his crimes. He goes to the police in the middle of the night when he admits what was already suspected of him.
The police charge him with what he admitted, however as the irony of life kick in, he gets a lenient sentence as a judge owed a favour to his father. Press and media tear into him, rightfully so, and so he completely disappears from society, only passing his responsibilities over his repairs to good people.
Azusa sees the shitstorm on TV, but he was actually informed earlier because the police contacted him asking if Azusa wanted to press charges because Karino confessed what he's done to him.
He doesn't press charges.
Four years later Azusa knocks on Karino's door and when he opens them Azusa just walks in past Karino. He sprawls on a couch and says "You nasty ass motherfucker. ... You utter piece of shit." Karino doesn't say anything. "This is such a fucking bad idea. You raped me. You abused me. You blackmailed me. Why am I even here?" To which Karino solemnly, resigned says "Yes. I am sorry for all I've done to you. I regret hurting you every day".
Azusa looks at him silently, then finally says. "Fuck this. We're not good for each other. You're not good for me. Fuck this. I must be fucking crazy, but I keep... thinking about us... the good moments... And you're a crazy motherfucker... But I'll give you a chance. Last chance. But if you in any way betray me, I will kill you." He says it very seriously. Karino looks at him, then after long moment kneels before him, bows his head and says "My life is in your hands."
To which Azusa says "You have a lot to make up for."
They were never completely sane people to start with.