
lilac September 8, 2019 8:50 pm

i saw lots of people complaining about uke being nasty cuz he hasnt showered or changed his clothes. the author simply shows us his depressive symptoms. depressed patients hav fatigue to the point they couldnt be bothered to get out of their beds or even showered. this is the realistic aspect of depression or any kind of psychiaty illness. i symphatize with uke alot cuz im like him too. something really bad must happened to him to the point he became like this. reading the comments section so many people feel disgusted when seme doing the uke. this is why im more interested on why seme is willing to be together with uke. realistically, not many can withstand dealing with depressed patients even your own family member. my hunch tells me either seme used to have same symptoms as uke but currently in remission. or seme had someone beloved to him gone bcoz of depression. or seme is a shady bad guy taking advantage of uke.

    Tolly September 8, 2019 9:15 pm

    I feel it's the first option.

    Dead Soul September 8, 2019 11:01 pm

    Yea Depression do u like that (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    lilac September 8, 2019 11:38 pm
    Yea Depression do u like that (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Dead Soul

    are u asking me if i like depression? im sorry but what a bs

    RebekahRebekah September 9, 2019 12:10 am
    are u asking me if i like depression? im sorry but what a bs lilac

    Call him out sis!

    Indigo Star September 9, 2019 1:03 am
    are u asking me if i like depression? im sorry but what a bs lilac

    No, I think they're saying that depression does that to you. I don't think they're asking you if you LIKE depression.

    ikigai September 9, 2019 1:26 am
    No, I think they're saying that depression does that to you. I don't think they're asking you if you LIKE depression. Indigo Star

    yes lol they’re saying that’s what theyre saying. “depression do u like that” doesn’t mean do you like depression, it mean that’s what depression does to you

    Tae September 9, 2019 5:44 am


    laiya September 9, 2019 7:27 am

    That is so true. I had weeks when I haven't brush my teeth for days and haven't showered a long time.

    RebekahRebekah September 9, 2019 5:45 pm
    yes lol they’re saying that’s what theyre saying. “depression do u like that” doesn’t mean do you like depression, it mean that’s what depression does to you ikigai

    Oh shit yeah! My bad guys. Sometimes we write like that. Sometimes it be like that. Depression does your dirty like that