I dont really mind the soft ones like tadaima okaeri (sorry for the butchered spelling) but i cannot handle the rather intense drama ones because:-
1) it makes me feel super uncomfortable
2) the whole hierarchy thing is pretty disgusting. I hate it when people aren't equal. This alphas are superior shit is extremely irritating to read.
3) i feel like the plots have become rather generic.
4) meh i just cant get into it.

Cause most of the times it's about roles (It's like some sort of a destiny). Omegas are almost always the submisive bottoms, getting raped or full of lust. The alphas are ususally the arrogant pricks who sleep and dominate everyone around them. And the betas are just there... doing almost nothing.
Still I actually like omegaverse mangas. But sometimes I'm like... Why? Omega, where is your f*ing pride?

I don't like them, because it's basically like reading a straight romance (take Love is an Illusion for example). And I don't have anything against the "straightness," but the fact that like 95% of those types of romance follow these tropes:
-Both mc and love interest fall in love for no reason other than "they're compatible" because they're either opposite gender (straight) or alpha and omega (omegaverse).
-The female (or omega) ends up pregnant because apparently, you can't have a happy couple without kids. Usually, the kids are also the only reason the couple doesn't fall apart, and not in a good way.
-There is nothing romantic about pregnancy. It's a painful, exhausting, hard state of life that messes up the pregnant person's body. Still, those types of romances try to make it into something fluffy. At the very least, women's bodies are actually designed to carry children - their bone structure, inner organs, heck even breasts for the milk. Now ask yourself, how exactly is a guy supposed to carry a child? Completely biologically speaking? And is he supposed to give birth...from the butt? Yikes.
-Omegas are always bottoming, while alphas always top, because biology. Yes, I'm aware that there are also alpha/alpha pairings and such, but really, they usually just follow this trope.
-Idk, it just seems like a lazy way to make a gay couple get together and have kids. If you're already writing fantasy, how about writing a non-homophobic world where being with whoever you want is perfectly acceptable and they can freely adopt or get surrogates or even have some sci-fi way to mix both men's genetics? And people get together not because of some 'heat' system, but because they actually like each other? Imagine that! Although, that's not really an issue just with omegaverse stories.
Just my thoughts.

Honestly I don't like it cause it kinda compares them to animals, like going through heat and stuff and It just seems like a horrible world where guys can get raped and they aren't even seen as men. It just grosses me out, like men getting pregnant is wrong

http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/4384136/ - literally how all omegaverse plots go

I’m fifty- fifty, I don’t dislike them but I also wouldn’t jump to read them. Before I start rambling, these two are actually really good and the sort of vibe I like in omegaverse.
Now for me, I read yaoi because I enjoy the dynamics of a relationship between men, it’s different to the norms of relationships the media have had us consuming since childhood. When it comes to children or families, I really like single father narratives or stories were they care for a child. I guess I’m a fan of stories that have a little touch of realism to them.
I agree the hierarchy thing is a bit meh, again I find love in relationships that break the norm and even though alpha x omega can be mlm or wlw, it’s still kinda like a forced ideal. Alpha mates with an Omega, odd chance they pair with a Beta or even another Alpha but I hardly see Beta and Omega or Omega and Omega, in fact with the omegaverse logic could the latter even work?
Then it’s the mating thing, Instincts kick in and it’s kinda unfair for an Omega to be claimed/mated with someone who bit them in the heat of the moment. Whether it’s reality or fiction, I don’t mess with sex that ain’t consensual and it is a big theme in Omegaverse however that being said, the whole mating thing is similar to werewolves which makes them seem more animal than human, which in a way gives reasoning because animals don’t have humanity, well for what we know.
It’s also confusing remembering the biology of each class/sex/gender (whatever it’s called) and how a male omega will give birth. I know the sexual organs are different but I’ve read a story where the alpha gives birth and it’s just a real mindfuck tbh lmao.

Omegaverse has been milked dry. Authors needa stop coming out with the same shit.
Is anyone here who doesn't like omegaverses or mpreg? If so, why?
Personaly I don't like them, but I can't find out why.
So I'm asking for your opinion.