Read through the comments... I think that Emma may be the promised reward and Norman has an illness or something and can't live long..
BUT WHATS WITH RAY? If they both are betting their lifes, then he'll be all alone in the end (of the ot3) and its so sad. Like, he'll be the only one left behind...
Hope that ema use her wish to cure norman, and i dont even wanna think of ray ending up alne, he suffered a lot in his own, also i didnt read the backstory about the demons, i dont want to sympathise with them, i really think that norman is right.
Read through the comments... I think that Emma may be the promised reward and Norman has an illness or something and can't live long..
If they both are betting their lifes, then he'll be all alone in the end (of the ot3) and its so sad. Like, he'll be the only one left behind...
Ok but can someone slap tf outta Norman please-