But .... Maybe it just my bias. From what I see from their interaction, the psychiatrist is too ... what the word ... Lukewarm? toward Clark and thought him more as a rival than his past lover. I mean ... When I compare their interation with the police one, I can't see his-suppose-nice-personality. I mean, do you expect me to believe with a man that throw a murderer to somebody that clearly can't give him any emotional support or any solution for his pyscal problem (hell, I mean he kinda said it himself, right? Alex need somebody that understand him, and he thought it was him) just to make the murderer happy and have some positive feeling to him?

From the start of when the psychiatrist is really into alex, Clark already knows his friend's being unrealistic/impractical & risking his life bc he reads through Alex quickly enough. He warns the psychiatrist, but the psyhiatrist who needs some therapy himself (for when he was with Clark) quickly flips the situation in his own mind so that he has a reason to stay fully devoted to being in love with Alex. He immediately pegs Clark as a rival bc of his past experience with him which he hasn't actually healed from & sees him as a threat between him and Alex even though they stay friends. At the biginning when the psychiatrist first asks Clark to interrogate Alex, it is first meant to be a way for him to get a lead on how to direct Alex... but when he finds out Clark would sleep with Alex for the interrogation to work, he lost it for a bit & that's really when he began seeing Clark as a rival... bc to him Clark is too cold-hearted & he does not do well with that as he hadn't recovered from their old relationship where he couldn't take Clark's very limited affection.
In the end, Clark really like the pyschiatrist. It's kind of irony, really, since I believe what psychiatrist want is a sense of purpose--to being needed from someone that he deemed need to being safed, and at the same time would only depend to him. And he thought he wont get it from Clark, because he still being able to grasp his surounding realistically. So he change his affection toward Alex, who he deemed too broken from the worldview. That's why he can ignore killing but angry with Clark manipulative. But, in the end, the one that finally clung with his existense and care with his past effort is Clark. Ckk, ckk.
Well, too bad for you, psychiatrist. And poor Clark. I never think psychiatrist efford is pure as he think. He was delusional man. I really hope one day Clark can see it