in case

sparrow333 September 6, 2019 6:13 am

so no one goes crazy waiting I think the team who translates this series is waiting til Saturday to release this translation. I hope everyone says kind things to the translators because they worked very hard. The reason they decided to wait is because of their respect for the author despite some less than kind response the author gave. If any of the translators see this I hope you know how thankful I am for your time to translate this all! You're all amazing!

    Yakobo September 6, 2019 6:22 am

    Makes sense.
    We waited for 10 days, so a few more hours we’ll manage

    Asami ❤ September 6, 2019 7:48 am

    You are right I agree with you we all thankful for the author for this beautiful manga

    nims September 6, 2019 1:49 pm

    do u know what’s the official site of the translation team? I can’t find anything

    sparrow333 September 6, 2019 4:24 pm
    do u know what’s the official site of the translation team? I can’t find anything nims

    they don't have an official site but they do have a discord which they are pretty active on they do this all for free which is pretty amazing.