Changed opinions

manga-neko September 4, 2019 9:13 pm

when I first read this years ago, I adored the last couple's story. But now, I cringe at the stories, and yes, especially the last one.
The first, well the sensei was a thorough ass-hole and she, the STUPIDEST, DUMBEST heroine of this series. Also, I think she was basically raped because he didn't feel the need to ask for her consent, and she seemed against it at first, but gave in later, because as we all know, she'd been oh-so-hot for him all along, right?
The second, there was hardly any story to confirm their love. The guy's always too busy. The girl is so silly. I don't know what to say. But it was okay, i guess, and much better than the first one, for sure.
The third, the best among all four, according to me. He's way too easy-going and carefree but a decent guy. The girl's a bit too unreasonable but also, quite likable. The best part- they had chemistry! The best hero and heroine of the series. Also, the groping part was realistic (for me atleast) as some people really are unable to react under shock. Cute ending.
The fourth, was okay till she refused to get married. Suddenly, we see a cold, manipulative hero, who moves out, and stays close only for their project, until she gives in to him by proposing to him. He doesn't make any effort to try to make her understand his reasons to marry her, or anything of the sort. Is that really love?
The fifth, actually a sequel to fourth, somewhere i feel, the cold, manipulative side is the real him, he doesn't care if she's hurt, or is sad. Nothing of that matters other than sex. Again, he leaves her to give in to him, so he flirts in front of her, disregards the insults thrown at her, and her feelings too. But, she being the Dumbest of them all, is anxious about his flirting, but forgives him way too easily. He needed to GROVEL!!! And explain. But of course, a girl has too less pride to walk away. Anyway, hated it.
No way in hell am I reading this crap again.

    Starry_skys_UwU_ May 19, 2020 5:17 am


    Nickie June 27, 2020 6:31 pm

    I agree, I read this when I was in highschool and now that I read it again I realize how messed up most(the food one I liked, that was a healthy love one)of the relationships are. Especially the last one is appalling, he's so manipulative. To think I use to like this crap, it's not romance it's gaslighting and toxic.

    manga-neko July 13, 2020 8:11 pm
    I agree, I read this when I was in highschool and now that I read it again I realize how messed up most(the food one I liked, that was a healthy love one)of the relationships are. Especially the last one is app... Nickie

    Exactly! The last story's heroine should've left him for good, but she didn't. I disliked most of the heroines as they are too weak, indecisive and spineless. I don't think they know a thing about self-respect or pride for that matter. And honestly, I hate the way females are sketched in shoujo and even some josei mangas, as if they have jelly for a spine!

    Zara Qween August 24, 2020 11:51 am
    Exactly! The last story's heroine should've left him for good, but she didn't. I disliked most of the heroines as they are too weak, indecisive and spineless. I don't think they know a thing about self-respect ... manga-neko


    Zara Qween August 24, 2020 11:52 am

    I only like the 3rd couple. They are cute.

    manga-neko August 29, 2020 2:35 am
    I only like the 3rd couple. They are cute. Zara Qween

    Yep. The 3rd couple is my only salvation in this worthless manga. If not for them, reading this would be an utter waste of my precious time. I sometimes come back to read the 3rd story :)