I’m sure because it’s just a dark fantasy that some people like. Doesn’t mean they like ACTUALLY doing it. Just to pretend without it really happening in the real world. Same as Japan just providing the fantasy rather than telling people that’s how their cultures work because like rape happens every day in this country so what’s the point of wondering if Japan has this beliefs when our country literally is already doing this....
Women have a dark desire to get messed up by a person we find so sexy. We want a man like this Firemen to take us. I belive you are only getting this upset because you haven't had any good dick before from someone you wanted really badly. It's ok to dismissing of this entertainment, but lessbihonest... One day you might have this happen to you(meeting a guy that is really your taste) and I don't think you'd push the guy away if he makes you feel so good and doesn't harm you.
Beg your pardon?!?! LOOOOOOOOL “you believe I haven’t had any good dick before?!??” That’s what you got from me saying “No means no?” Any time i’ve Told a boy to chill it’s because I didn’t want it and like a decent person that he is he chilled, any time I wanted something I egged it on because i’m not an idiot that pretends I don’t like something when I do. Because that’s what consenting adults do. You keep going on with that “coercive” mentality (because that’s what it is btw sex through coercion, if you don’t know what that is I suggest you google it) one day you’ll catch a fucking case. I’ll mute this shit now, I’ll be damned if I let a random stranger talk about my fucking sex life because they don’t understand something as simple as no means no.
She mad because it's true. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ "adults" this and "alduts". Only a kid would keep saying that to prove that they are when they are not. We allllll know when someone doesn't want it. Ryo is clearly playing a love game. Let it be. He is a good guy who didn't harm her. So you can calm that fake shit down.
What is Japanese ppl and their obsession with taking “no” as “yes”?????? Nah fr what is you ppl’s problem, the girl doesn’t want to be touched means the girl doesn’t want to be touched.