
Tonno September 4, 2019 9:00 am

Really interesting
I’ve read Bastard and it was pretty good, not my fav but I remembered really enjoying the dynamic expressions. This seems to have a totally diff artstyle to her previous works so I was rlly surprised it was by the same author! I think this actually leans to my ‘aesthetics’ more, and despite the “lack” of her infamous exaggerated spooked expressions (comparing to Bastard etc)... I feel like this sent more chills down my spine..

Anyways, super interesting plot- rlly looking forward to the updates and learning more of the MC + family! Thank you uploader(s) & translator teams!

    norimak_1999 December 29, 2019 5:00 am

    it's kinda weird cuz the art doesn't seem like from the same author
    maybe the author is a different person who has a same name ??

    `U`Love`U` December 29, 2019 5:18 am
    it's kinda weird cuz the art doesn't seem like from the same author maybe the author is a different person who has a same name ?? norimak_1999

    Same author and it doesn't have to be the author that draws