Chapter 2

CanIDie? November 18, 2019 1:30 pm

First, I think that the reason the mc didn't help the sister is because forcefully removing her from the flower field probably wouldn't work out too well and the manga didn't say anything about a cure so I'm guessing there would probably be no cure for the flower's poison, and even if there was a cure it'd probably take some time to make it and the mc doesn't like staying in places for too long (I'll explain this later). Second, the brother seemed kinda messed up in the head to me and so unless someone properly help the boy then his obsession with his sister won't be helped or something like that. Lastly, the mc is a traveler and probably doesn't stay too long in the places she's been, so I think that slowly helping the brother overcome his obsession isn't an option the mc. Destroying the flower field isn't an option as well since it could come with pretty heavy repercussions since it's a popular tourist attraction for the town despite how dangerous it is and since it's a popular tourist attraction, people go to the town to see it and spend money. So, if the field were to be destroyed, it could hurt the town's economy. Anyway, to me, the mc is a pretty gray character since she does too much good to be bad but too bad to be good.

    Avi October 13, 2020 11:15 am

    She didn't need a cure to help her... She knows time reversal magic spell(ch 1).. if she really wanted to help her she could have..!!........ And the problem with the brothers obsession she didn't have anything to do with that... It wasn't her problem to worry about, those siblings.. they could've figured out whether they really wanted a relationship or whatever..... But she left them as they were ... Although it looked like the sister was already dead(feeling really bad for her and brother didn't wanted to live without her..... That must be reason she left them as they were..!!!

    Avi October 13, 2020 11:16 am

    She didn't need a cure to help her... She knows time reversal magic spell(ch 1).. if she really wanted to help her she could have..!!........ And the problem with the brothers obsession she didn't have anything to do with that... It wasn't her problem to worry about, those siblings.. they could've figured out whether they really wanted a relationship or whatever..... But she left them as they were ... Although it looked like the sister was already dead(feeling really bad for her (´;︵;`)...) and brother didn't wanted to live without her..... That must be reason she left them as they were..!!!

    Duhbitch November 27, 2020 5:48 pm
    She didn't need a cure to help her... She knows time reversal magic spell(ch 1).. if she really wanted to help her she could have..!!........ And the problem with the brothers obsession she didn't have anything... Avi

    But the main point here is that she's just a traveler...Meaning she'll not change the main story or plot she's just their to ....observe

    Avi November 28, 2020 7:20 am
    But the main point here is that she's just a traveler...Meaning she'll not change the main story or plot she's just their to ....observe Duhbitch

    Really?? Did you see the other episodes where she ready to fight a monster who destroyed the whole kingdom.... help solved dispute between people from winne village... trained saya... Maybe other things too..... The point is she helps who she likes... not anyone or everyone... And thinking that from our own perspective that's actually right.... No one is willing to die for strangers