Guys, Lord Hell knew that she's a girl and that she was the girl who helped her cure his cold poison on the forest. Refer to chapter 86 page 4.. Hahahaha
Oh damm i missed that thanks . i taught he was cured . But he olny like the with her bcus she kinda saved him right? rubymelibustamante.95
I'm glad she got away cause he was getting very close to exposing her than everything she's done as the Ghost Dr would've came back to her Feing family an thats bad
I'm glad she got away cause he was getting very close to exposing her than everything she's done as the Ghost Dr would've came back to her Feing family an thats bad kim
Truuuu really truu . but would he actually hirt her ? Or her family bcus i think he is love with her but doesnt know it him self?
Truuuu really truu . but would he actually hirt her ? Or her family bcus i think he is love with her but doesnt know it him self? rubymelibustamante.95
Not on purpose no but he seem to not be able to hold himself back he kept getting more aggressive an thats why she figured it was time to go but not without taking a little goodbye gift.Lol
Not on purpose no but he seem to not be able to hold himself back he kept getting more aggressive an thats why she figured it was time to go but not without taking a little goodbye gift.Lol kim
Guys, Lord Hell knew that she's a girl and that she was the girl who helped her cure his cold poison on the forest. Refer to chapter 86 page 4.. Hahahaha