Yes you should. This isn't a normal, and after some time, you could find yourself deaf in one ear. PLEASE, and I mean please, go check with a specialist ASAP. I also wouldn't go and put on earbuds anymore before you go see a professional. Don't go putting things into your ear (unless there's like, dust that collects there), especially your finger. I'm not a pro at this, but I really hope you don't lose your hearing in that ear. Wish you the best!
You should be concerned and go see a doctor. It could be "Tinnitus", a noise such as of buzzing or ringing in the ear due to loud sounds, too much ear wax, head injuries, etc. It may not be Tinnitus but you should still get it checked out and try to not expose yourself to loud sounds or popping bubble wrap near your ear again.
ok, so i do a lot of dumb shit. one of them is popping bubble wrap next to my ear. now it's not that regular tiny ones, its those big ones that's has the diameter of a orange pill bottle. anyways, I popped one next to my sister's ears then one next to mine. immediately I couldn't hear then as it returned it started ringing and the volume decreased over time. so I was eorried about my hearing so I checked it using earbuds but that didn't help since it didn't sound any different. next i proceeded to reach into my ears with a cotton swab, didnt help. then i noticed that my ear that I popped the bubble into feel like it has a different pressurllas I'm writing this it's slightly ringing and it feels like someone is cleaning my ears really roughly (basically my ears hurts a little bit). should I be worried?