It’s not lolicon if they get married at an acceptable age you fucking hedonistic assholes

fuj_hoe_shi September 1, 2019 3:59 am

This was so cute?? It’s not Pedo at all, the fuck?
The guy found her CUTE, and wanted the best for her. Y’all are making thing weird. Haven’t you seen people’s parents with a 10- year age gap?? If you say no, shut the fuck up, because you’re lying. You guys don’t realize that the guy was YOUNG as HELL when he met the girl. If she was in mandatory kindergarten, that would mean she was six or seven!! The age gap couldn’t be more than 13 years!! This isn’t uncommon, and I don’t know why you guys are taking this and warping it.

    Krissy September 1, 2019 10:26 am

    no it's not pedophilia, but yes it's still gross. This dude watched her grow up from a child (he himself was an adult) and got attracted to her at sixteen, SIXTEEN. Age gaps doesn't matter if both parties involved are adults, but she's not an adult. And hell, even if she was it would still be weird but at least it would be legal. And if you're gonna talk about how it's fiction and it doesn't matter. Yeah it's fiction, and yeah it does matter.

    fuj_hoe_shi September 2, 2019 5:58 am
    no it's not pedophilia, but yes it's still gross. This dude watched her grow up from a child (he himself was an adult) and got attracted to her at sixteen, SIXTEEN. Age gaps doesn't matter if both parties invol... Krissy

    Im not saying it doesn't matter. You have a valid point with the whole "watching her grow up" thing. What I'm trying to get across is that it's not pedophilia. Grossness is a different topic.

    Kizi1986 April 17, 2020 10:07 am
    no it's not pedophilia, but yes it's still gross. This dude watched her grow up from a child (he himself was an adult) and got attracted to her at sixteen, SIXTEEN. Age gaps doesn't matter if both parties invol... Krissy

    In Japan when your 16 you are considered an adult and are even allowed to get married so in Japan this is normal. Not them knowing each other since she was in kindergarten but the age gap think

    Krissy April 17, 2020 4:36 pm
    In Japan when your 16 you are considered an adult and are even allowed to get married so in Japan this is normal. Not them knowing each other since she was in kindergarten but the age gap think Kizi1986

    Maybe in their culture it's considered normal, that still doesn't make it morally right though.

    And (I could be wrong, but this is what I got when I searched for age of consent in Japan) in Japan the age of consent is thirteen, yet there are prefectures that have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship", usually determined by parental consent.

    Which, still gross considering teenagers are not fully developed, but that's how it is I guess.

    Kizi1986 April 17, 2020 7:34 pm
    Maybe in their culture it's considered normal, that still doesn't make it morally right though.And (I could be wrong, but this is what I got when I searched for age of consent in Japan) in Japan the age of cons... Krissy

    I agree that it's gross but not that it is morally wrong because are morals are just different then theirs because we grew up differently. and it doesn't make their morals wrong because it doesn’t match with ours.

    Krissy April 17, 2020 9:20 pm
    I agree that it's gross but not that it is morally wrong because are morals are just different then theirs because we grew up differently. and it doesn't make their morals wrong because it doesn’t match with ... Kizi1986

    Yes morals can be different, but it is universally known and agreed upon (save for the countries where it's normal for almost every familiy to sell their children or marry them away) that children are not to be with an adult and to not be sexualized. Just because people were raised differently than us and with different morals, does not neccerazliy justify or make their morals right, it does mostly depend on the morals in question of course.

    So yes, it does make their morals wrong. Children should be protected, not treated like they're able to consent and not to be sexualized or be set up with adults. Anyone who defends this (though they might have their own reasons) are disgusting in my eyes.

    Major_Fujoshi February 3, 2021 12:08 am
    Yes morals can be different, but it is universally known and agreed upon (save for the countries where it's normal for almost every familiy to sell their children or marry them away) that children are not to be... Krissy

    I agree that children should not be with adults (cause duh) but to what age would you call one a child? Cause earlier you implied that anyone under 18 is a child. And now you say that it's only countries that sell or marry children away that support children being able to consent?

    Does this count for teenagers too? Let's take the age 16 (like in the manga). There are only three europearen countries that have age of consent over 16. Does that mean that countries like the UK, Sweden, and Germany sell and marry their children? Or are they just morally incorrect?