
alphadox August 31, 2019 1:27 pm

Cant believe wanting to fck with no prep and lube. Like his finger could barely breach without looking constricted as all heck. Anal tearing is so painful and needs so much treatment and recovery like, ever have a tiny fissure? Its 100x that. And if gets infected like damn.

I always hate seeing that shit in comics and book stories during dub/noncon. Even when spit as lube the fck. It can happen okay with some people consensually that their body easily adapt for enjoyment, but seriously no no no.

Idk this kinda shit takes away all sexiness for me. I always get downvoted for this opinion though :/

    MangaSanctuary August 31, 2019 5:57 pm

    You're right to speak it out. Most of us here are Fujoshis so we're not really aware of how this act works and might involve as consequences, thanks for your concern and information.

    Balu August 31, 2019 7:57 pm

    You are right but the thing is song didn’t know it was his first time until nakyun( not sur if i spelled that right) told him