let me rant about anime :(

TrulyAGoldExperience August 31, 2019 12:19 am

So have you noticed that shounen as a genre has this habit of giving guys and girls different power levels even when they're supposed to be equals? The more I watch/read the more it's become apparent AND annoying.

You could probably take any mainstream shonen right now and it would work, but for the sake of this think of bnha.
Any brute force power is given to the guys. (exploding shit up, punching shit really hard, thunder, fire, so on)
Any more ''crafty'' power, that you have to be smart to use OR that can only be used as aid is given to the girls (making shit float, pulling what you need out of your boobs, being overall a fucking frog). The only cases in which dudes get this kind of powers is when they're joke characters like mineta or laser guy.

How about the next hot thing, demon slayer?
Putting aside the fact that the bullshit chivalry is off the charts, or that a human keeps trying to phisycally shield a demon with the knowledge that he, contrary to her, cannot regrow a head if he gets hit,,,,,
They present you with these ''hashira'' guys, who are supposed to be these hella strong swordsmen. Now we got only 2 women in there, that's cool. They show you a dude in the hashira slashing shit down real easy and fast because that's just how STRONK hashiras are. Until you get to othe girl, and she...she POISONS the monsters because she lacks the ''arm strenght'' to actually kill the demons herself. This is in a story where a 15 yo can cut a fucking boulder thanks to a ((((SUPERNATURAL))))) technique that she, being WAY higher rank than him, should have mastered already.
Author was like, I can excuse inhuman reflexes, naruto jumping on a roof, supernatural strenght and ridicolously resilient swords than can cut down rocks, but I draw the line when a waman tries to do that. Realism.
Anyway the only other gal is called the ''hashira of love'' and honestly do I even need to say anything?

Now before yall jump me, those mangas are great, and are two examples of something that is everywhere, they're not the sole culprits.
I do invite you to offer more examples of bullshit free shounens though. The only one I can think of that saves itself is snk.

    oroboros August 31, 2019 12:26 am

    that's kind of how anime is in general ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    its getting better though, i started watching anime when bleach was the most popular shonen...i dont think you can even consider some of those female characters as characters...:^

    incels August 31, 2019 12:36 am

    I agree, this has bothered me for awhile. Kinda sad there isnt much shounen about strong women but the target demographic is teenage boys so :/

    idk what falls under bullshit free but these have proportionally strong women :
    -Claymore (female MC)
    -Mob Psycho 100
    -Soul Eater (female MC)
    -Deadman Wonderland

    Anonymous August 31, 2019 12:38 am

    the insect girl who uses poison? i thought its cuz her damn sword the size of 1 inch or smth thats why she uses poison.

    katie August 31, 2019 12:40 am

    haven't watched much but I've heard fma(b) is really good, its shounen but the author is a woman afaik

    YuzukiMikage August 31, 2019 1:23 am

    WHaT dO yOu MeAN pEoPlE HaVE dIFFereNT aBilITiES tHaT cAn cOmPeNsAtE tO tHeiR wEAknESSes anD aRent tHe saME?


    Anonymous August 31, 2019 2:05 am

    God thats my biggest pet peeve also. When its always the female character who has the more brains/skills in the group and is not physically skilled in their craft.
    In isekais the female is almost always a mage or healer, in shounen they’re always the one who has to strategize/use crafty abilities to actually help.
    To make it even worse, the main heroine usually falls in love with the mc but can never fully confesses unless its for character development.

    Bless The Promised Neverland for giving us a female MC who is both brains and brute along having 2 male deuteragonists who are more brains.

    Anonymous August 31, 2019 2:16 am
    WHaT dO yOu MeAN pEoPlE HaVE dIFFereNT aBilITiES tHaT cAn cOmPeNsAtE tO tHeiR wEAknESSes anD aRent tHe saME?WOOOOOT? YuzukiMikage

    If that were the case, wouldn't it make more sense to give females brute force powers as well? Except we rarely see that, instead they're limited to certain crafts and strategy making.

    Sushi August 31, 2019 3:32 am

    I didn't notice that before but now that I do its kinda ruined all shounen anime/manga for me.

    TrulyAGoldExperience August 31, 2019 3:43 am
    God thats my biggest pet peeve also. When its always the female character who has the more brains/skills in the group and is not physically skilled in their craft. In isekais the female is almost always a mage ... @Anonymous

    I really REALLY hate isekai because being a genre whose only purpose is wish-fullfillment for young boys, it's basically everything I can't stand about anime. The MC is stupidly op for no reason, he gets 40 girls by being a dick and most of the times, even if said girls are strong he's stronger just so he can save them. And yeah...healing powers are a pretty common cop out authors take when they want a ''strong'' character. Like the girl from black clover, supposedly stronger than all of them but she focuses on defense because if not, how can the MC show off his big boi sword? GEEEEEZ

    TrulyAGoldExperience August 31, 2019 3:52 am
    WHaT dO yOu MeAN pEoPlE HaVE dIFFereNT aBilITiES tHaT cAn cOmPeNsAtE tO tHeiR wEAknESSes anD aRent tHe saME?WOOOOOT? YuzukiMikage

    You're describing a pretty ideal situation where every character is unique and has its own flaws, detacthed from what, who, or where they're from. Except...tropes are everywhere in anime, and it seems that when deciding if a character is gonna be male or female, some things just come attached with that. It's as if being a girl is already a character trait, and they'll have to be available for romantic interest, cute or hot, possibily in danger so that the anime community can yell on reddit how much they need to protecc their waifu. Or they try to switch it up and make a complete unlikable character that's still hot and of course has a soft side because tsunderes are a fucking SIN and if anime is a mistake they are 85% of the reason. Anyway I think you get where I'm going with this. It's not a situational thing, pretty much every girl has to ''compensate'' and I just don't get why, in a fantasy world with no limit they still choose to make their female characters not as strong.
    ...Or do I? Could be this habit to make them ''protectable'' and ''precious'' that halts them from making them dependable. Japan still has its weird ideas about chivalry and the ideal woman after all...

    TrulyAGoldExperience August 31, 2019 3:58 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Flaming Uterus


    Meh -_- August 31, 2019 5:20 am
    I really REALLY hate isekai because being a genre whose only purpose is wish-fullfillment for young boys, it's basically everything I can't stand about anime. The MC is stupidly op for no reason, he gets 40 gir... TrulyAGoldExperience

    Konosuba subverts that. Because though he finds them hot the MC really doesn't like his main female companions because of how useless they are. Not too mention of how often he dies. Or what ridiculous bad things happrn to him. And though he is powerful its more of weak but skilled, he compensates for his weak powers with cunning and skill, and it took him a while to get their with them.

    TrulyAGoldExperience August 31, 2019 5:29 am

    True, probably bc konosuba is a comedy of the way oversaturated genre.
    The kind of isekai that takes itself seriously though...YIKES Idk I kinda liked re zero but I haven't found another decent isekai since :^

    Anonymous August 31, 2019 6:04 am
    the insect girl who uses poison? i thought its cuz her damn sword the size of 1 inch or smth thats why she uses poison. @Anonymous

    So is anyone going to add to this? Her sword is basically the shape of a fencing sword with added stiffness instead of the wiggliness of a reg fencing sword and the 2 inch blade at the end. How she gon slice through any demon with that piss poor sword? How?