Am I lucky or lucky?

addyliciousyaoi August 29, 2019 5:23 am

So I've just finished reading all 85 chapters last Friday and I am actually on my second time reading it, currently on Chapter 66. I saw that this was regularly updated every week so I was really, really happy about that. But then the 7-day period passed yesterday and I am expecting a chapter since it'll be the first update for me. So I looked around the comment section and saw a post that the author is sick and this will be on 4-week hiatus. Truthfully I don't know what to feel. Well, I am disappointed not because there is no update but it's more of like I was conditioned that there will be a new chapter for me to fill my overflowing excitement ever since I finished the last chapter and I am so looking forward to an update but also I find it funny that this one series that blew my mind is welcoming me with a hiatus. I don't know. It's more amusing than disappointing to be honest. I can always read the novel if I can't really wait for another three weeks. So yeah, just saying this. I am lucky enough to find this one so even with the hiatus, there's nothing to hate about it. Also, hoping that the author gets well!!!

    Miale August 29, 2019 6:29 am

    I feel you... I've been looking forward to Thursday for a long time now, never fail to read the new chapter. This Thursday there's no new chapter, it feels so weird...

    Kami-chan August 29, 2019 7:57 am

    I sooo feel you fellow filo. I fricking binged this for 2 days since my brother strongly recommended this and that thursdays are the upload date. So just in time when I finished today the and it's actually on hiatus is such a bummer. But atleast it'll only take 4weeks rather than other authors that leaves for several monthsnor years (╬ ̄皿 ̄) (i.e. d.grayman)

    addyliciousyaoi August 29, 2019 8:30 am
    I sooo feel you fellow filo. I fricking binged this for 2 days since my brother strongly recommended this and that thursdays are the upload date. So just in time when I finished today the and it's actually on h... Kami-chan

    I spent the next few hours after finishing this looking for same series or comparable ones even with slight differences. I saw some recommendations and I read a couple but only got a few chapters in. I'm still high on this and I can't think of anything to compare as of now. Do you have anything to recommend because if I can't really find anything else, I have to resort to the novel. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ I have read The Breaker and while it isn't the same here in the RPG-ish vibe, it has the weak MC to an OP one. It doesn't involve dungeons and such, but martial arts. I really like it.

    Kami-chan August 29, 2019 11:06 am
    I spent the next few hours after finishing this looking for same series or comparable ones even with slight differences. I saw some recommendations and I read a couple but only got a few chapters in. I'm still ... addyliciousyaoi

    If you haven't read 'The Gamer' yet then fricking try that one already it's like 70% of SL but somehow comedic and more OP and somewhat plotless atm.
    While there is 2 novel that I like that's also close to SL though their manga chapters are still few ,they're great. BUT it's isekai tho lol check it out regardless
    - mushuko tensei
    - tsuki ga michibuku

    addyliciousyaoi August 29, 2019 1:04 pm
    If you haven't read 'The Gamer' yet then fricking try that one already it's like 70% of SL but somehow comedic and more OP and somewhat plotless atm. While there is 2 novel that I like that's also close to SL t... Kami-chan

    Thanks! I'll be sure to check them out. I'm re the novel now!!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I started reading around chapter 103 I think when there was the meeting between the Hunter's Association and Koreans and so much difference already. Different presentation of characters. I am savouring each chapter as I go.