pruple_royal August 27, 2019 11:52 pm

this comic makes me feel like my brain cells are dying.
They are so many ways the MC could have handled this whole thing but it's just been dragged along while making women look liked complete idiots,fools,liars or cheats and let's not forget gold diggers
The MC has been a coward for 152 chapters and doesn't fight for anything, everything she has was given to her. The right to see her child was given to her by her sister because she was to much of a coward to fight for that chance so she begged for it like a coward does. They are sometimes when she says that she won't take it again but honestly it's just words. When it started it looked like it was going some where but now it just feels like it insults women to much and is to unrealistic.

Some people may not agree with me but this is my opinion

    Pooh August 27, 2019 2:03 am

    I agree!

    Mewmewmewmotherfaker August 30, 2019 9:37 am

    First sentence is me everytime I read another trashy Chinese romance
    But hey I still read it to the end ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭