I'm planning to be one although I am but a novice author.

kaye August 27, 2019 1:36 am

are there any fees to pay to be a webnovel author?

    Anonymous August 27, 2019 2:53 am

    Tapastic has a Novel feature which I believe is 100% free last time I checked. In fact a novel there became popular enough that it ended up getting an official publish.
    It really all depends on what novel hosting website you’re using, heck archibeofourown, wattpad.etc are all free to use.

    kaye August 31, 2019 4:21 am
    Tapastic has a Novel feature which I believe is 100% free last time I checked. In fact a novel there became popular enough that it ended up getting an official publish.It really all depends on what novel hostin... @Anonymous

    Thanks for the information ^^