okey yeah, you read the comment, but you definitely didn't understand it. They said why should he have to be personal with her if she wasn't with him? You can't just believe that if he told her about his condition that she wouldn't have went in the room. Shit, I bet if she knew his condition and she heard him in pain, her stupid self still wound've waltz in there anyways. Stop being so delusional and face the fact that it was also her fault.

Hostility? We were just telling you that you interpreted wrong. That you either didn't get it or that you didn't read it. If you see it as hostility then that's you being defensive. Understand the fact that your comment from before came off as though you didn't read or understand the topic.
Also the zookeeper part: If that applies then so does my comment if your boss doesn't know your background info how he going to know you won't abuse the animals or that you are even qualified to be working with wild animals.

Also, we were just trying to explain the fact that it wasn't just Nan's fault OKEY? geez We don't care about him not telling her about his past, because she didn't tell him anything either!!! And that thing about "it's your bosses job to make you aware of the dangers of the job," did he not tell her not to come in? Did he not say do not enter my room, no matter what? Exactly.

Honestly, most of the fault goes to Nan himself because if he actually tried to explain WHY and the consequences of disturbing him then MAYBE moon wouldn’t have done that. I think no one would’ve able to abide to an order properly without knowing the reason, especially if the person is not trained to or used to it.
Like think for a second, he could’ve simply add “I couldn’t control mysel for a few days now and I could harm you,” is enough reason to make Moon to understand. As it is, Nan is in fault for not warning Moon earlier about himself,, I mean being a lifetime maid for him should’ve make it obvious for him to let her know why, when and how to protect herself from him. It’s common sense, no? To let the employees know any potential danger that could be inflicted to them and the details of it.

AND THAT'S WHY I said both are at fault no? I said Moon was mostly wrong in that situation because she disregarded what nan specifically told her not to go in his room and she dicided to do it anyways. While I said yes Nan is wrong not to tell her about his condition before going into the room. But also she can't EXSPECT him to be completely honest with her if she isn't with him. It's not like he didn't try to tell her. He would be in the wrong if he was never going to tell her but he tried to tell her about his past but she saw how reluctant he was to talk about it so she told him not to force himself. Read the novel for any peeps reading this.

I respectfully disagree. He gave her a very specific order to not enter his room. (which is pretty clear to me) Why should he have to explain that? He gave her one thing to do and she couldn't do that, and plus he did that thinking of her safety. She was the one who messed up because she didn't take it seriously. And it's not easy talking about your past, especially to someone you care about. People need time to talk about these kind of things. Also, the only reason why he became like that in the first place is because he was protecting her. But I appreciate you not being hostile to my comment and I totally know where you are coming from. I just think that we should consider both of their sides :3

I’m not denying that Moon is at fault too tho,, I’m just saying that Nan is at bigger fault since from earlier even before the situation arise, Nan should have told Moon earlier about the possibility of any kind of danger that he could inflicted. It’s not even about trust or anything but it’s Nan responsibility to at least tell the gist of the danger he posed as his secret could harm Moon physically while Moon secret is not really harm inflicting hence there’s no urgent need to tell anyone

He, as a person who friendly and closed to Moon, it’s kind of understandable for her to try breaking his orders. Besides, she actually listen to his order for 3 days before her worries took the better of her and led her to do what she did. While, it’s stupid, it’s still understandable. She regard him more of a friend rather than a master and her worry for a friend make her skip over the order of a master.
Also, Nan doesn’t even have to tell Moon anything about his past, that’s his right. But, he should’ve told her earlier about his condition since it could’ve harm her. If only he had pressed the heaviness of his state earlier instead of on a sudden note, then she would’ve understood better the heavy implications behind it

Okay, for everyone that wants to blame Nan for what happen to Sharamoon, STFU, because here is the chapter where he PLAINLY AND CLEARLY tells her to not come into the room or even approach it until he comes out. So it's actually Sharamoon's fault because she didn't listen to Nan.
TBH I hate how everyone is blaming him like he was the only one at fault. Like no she walked up in his room after he specifically told you not to. I know you were worried but it doesn't change the fact that you did it to yourself. And you can't say he should have told her when he made the contract or that he should have been told her like no. She never told him that she was reincarnated or that she is from a different world so why should he tell her what was up with him. You guys forget that trust is a two way street. They are both at fault no doubt but she is more at fault for this one, not by much though. The whole mood of the chapters since have made me not even look forward to reading this until they make up.