
I mean people are blatantly ignoring that this is Stockholm syndrome so I doubt they’d be concerned about these issues. It’s just a god old yaoi size kink story I’ve acknowledged it as such and now won’t waste my breath pointing out the illogical ness to give more energy to see how this author could possibly make their kidnapper fit his whole dick inside a person 1/3 his size.
The one thing that always baffles me in scenarios like these is how everything the bride-to-be leaves behind is like 1% of their concerns. WOW OTHERWORLDLY DICK, YUMMY! BYE PARENTS, FRIENDS, PETS, TECHNOLOGY, BELONGINGS YALL SUCK! No serious attachment whatsoever, it's really impressive! I wish I could be that distant and anti-materialist.
I wonder if we'll either get a scene where the character claims "oh my earth life never felt right so imma stay here love u" or if he'll go home, realize humans suck in everyway so he'll come back for that titan culture and dick "i cant live without u, love u).I hope we get a less cliche ending, but I doubt it since the story is pretty cliche so far.
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Anyway, I'm really enjoying this one so far despite my mini rant.