Also it's funny how the only "feminine looking" Adam (long hair and stuff) is the love interest of the boyish MC so that their relationship looks straight on the surface. And that's the ONLY feminine Adam. Again, shows how the author wants the yuri sex but not the shoujo-ai. I just feel it's kind of fetishizing as a girl that's attracted to girls.

There are girls that crossdress & date girls and theres boys who crossdress & date boys. And theres some who go the whole route an have the surgery than theres girls comfortable being themselves & date girls like myself.Theres no rules on how you feel about yourself or the way you want to be seen others!

i guess that is something many people miss at the very beginning with men being totally gone and since women at that point still KNEW MEN that is why the system was broken up into the class system of Adam's and Eve's so as to create more masculine women who are willing to fight or to do the hard physical labor that men used to do ie all in all it was a means of controlling women after men were entirely gone from the picture seeing as how sadly our current systems in place today are by and large MALE dominated societies sadly because lets face it men even more so men with some power are always trying to one up each other and sadly more often than not those with the most power like to flex that power with the use of force so continuing with a society that is dominated by a masculine role i think would fit for a while until no women were really left who KNEW MEN

Aren't you disappointed that after her stating that etoile's are her enemy. She crumbled like a house of cards the 1st time she met one. And not to mention Sakura's mom was the one responsible for her mom. It kinda bothers me that they did tell her that and did a duel instead of the truth. Doesn't that make it seem like they're lying to her?
I read up to chapter 4 but one thing is bugging me. The "Adams" are women but they mostly all cut their hair like men and dress in men's clothing and they even bind their chests!!! And they do all the "man" jobs like fighting. It just feels kind of sexist to me. Also kind of weird because it just feels like normal straight romance but the sex is yuri, which is extra fetishizing of lesbian couples.