Ikr? There's no way she doesn't know how our MC would feel! I detest that kind of character. Willfuly pretending to be blind to her sister's circumstances while she acts all pure and lovey dovey with her family. I wanna see her get destroyed. Her and that sissy prince. I want someone to drug them in a party and lock them in a room and then she gets pregnant so the prince has no choice but to marry her! I want her reputation destroyed! They both deserve each other anyway. They believed themselves to be so righteous and innocent. Disgusting. I just want our mc to have a peaceful life lol
This might be an unpopular opinion, but here it is:
I don't like MaryJun (not MC) AT ALL, in fact I think she's ignorant and even mean.
Example: father blatantly ignores and is even outright mean to step-sister, BUT Maryjun ignores it ALL. Goes around being a "righteous" person fighting for everyone's rights except for her sister's...