Heesoo being all Head Boss Bitch telling that sorry POS off. YANK that hair, make him bald!!! Get angry honey, coz of him you had to dump your man!!!...but they are back together now. Hopefully we can see some full on alpha pheromone explosion during the makeup sex. And by the loving mercy of all things yaoi, can we just slip a $100 and see Heesoo get pregnant??? No one? Just me?...okay. Never mind.
Heesoo being all Head Boss Bitch telling that sorry POS off. YANK that hair, make him bald!!! Get angry honey, coz of him you had to dump your man!!!...but they are back together now. Hopefully we can see some full on alpha pheromone explosion during the makeup sex. And by the loving mercy of all things yaoi, can we just slip a $100 and see Heesoo get pregnant??? No one? Just me?...okay. Never mind.