I don't think I can bear this

BESELgu August 23, 2019 11:20 pm

I know she will definitely end up with prince but I can't stop hoping for her to be with carsein or allen T_T pls tia choose red or green no blue for u

    Mangalife101 August 26, 2019 5:52 pm

    Carsein is best actually.... Allen has some hidden agenda.....

    BESELgu August 27, 2019 1:43 pm
    Carsein is best actually.... Allen has some hidden agenda..... Mangalife101

    Yeahh allen was probably trying to get close to her cause she was gonna be empress then became.. Obsessed? With her?? idk carsein is the best but everyone is better than the prince

    Mangalife101 August 27, 2019 4:54 pm
    Yeahh allen was probably trying to get close to her cause she was gonna be empress then became.. Obsessed? With her?? idk carsein is the best but everyone is better than the prince BESELgu

    That is so true...... The prince also done something to her in the past... after her mother died, I guess...