Well, nothing wrong with reject someone you're not in love with. If she is your friend, you should be gentle, but direct, say that you don't like girls and you only see her as friend. Don't need to be harsh (unless, she is being a bitch with you or violent, don't seems to be that case), I feel kind of sad when someone confess to me and I don't have feelings for the person, but that's normal, one day, you will confess to someone and get reject too. It's normal.

Nothing wrong with not being able to return the feelings, and honestly it's kinda fucked up that your friend was that persistent after you rejected her the first time. If I ask someone out and they said they weren't interested, whether I still have feelings for them or not, I'm gonna respect their response. And your friends are fucked up too, it's a dick move to fake feelings for someone and to try to make you do something you're clearly not interested in? Get better friends ma, shit ain't right.
lately there has been something on my mind
im a 13 year old female, one of my best friend has confess to me she lesbian. i have rejected her but i know she still have feelings for me. it made all my other friends hate but im heterosexual after a few months she confess to me again because she cant get over me, again i reject her which made her cried even more some of my friends have suggest me to show her fake love but doing that would break my friend even more so i didn't. I know she kinda hate me. After that one of my eighth grade best friend confess to me she was bisexual after I rejected her she was quite persistent but after tell her enough she eventually gave up on me now u may think I'm homophobic but I'm not I have quite a lot of friends that are LGBTQ+ sometime I feel guilty because I know I rejected them so harshly