• Like imagine from the friend point of view, he’s coming out as gay and he doesn’t even know the friend is gay better yet he doesn’t know the friend is into him. He has a crush on a naive being that relates to him and helped him get over seeing things.
• The being just wants friends and not even seeing that a person he considered a friend is trying to hurt him over feelings the friend never confessed to. He’s not human and his other nonhuman friend is telling him not to trust humans because they’re selfish and he’s defending them, imagine what would happen when he’s proven wrong about the humans he’s trusted.
{{If you think pushing someone down a hill, insulting them, and being a ass is justified because of a crush that the person doesn’t even know about then that’s sad.}}
I think his anger towards Naroo is unjustified, the little bean just want friends, it’s not his fault he didn’t confess.