
taekyung disappointing me. he's rich but fuck!! he still want siyeon to kill people while knowing he'll upset after the job was done! talking about the payment?? fuck that guy!!! you're his rich bf but force him to work of he the work he hates!!. siyeon ya better find the new sugar daddy.
pls break up. the only i love is siyeon. he's matured and realistic.. he said killing ppl are no joke. no matter how bad a person, they have no right to kill them (especially pregnant lady & old man), but because he has no other option, he did it. while taekyung thinking it's a talent and saying insensitive things few times to siyeon, that moment i already stop shipping them. siyeon hates killing ppl but taekyung didn't consider his decision. siyeon is too kind for a guy like that. being overprotective but at the same time use your lover to do the killing job without taking account of how he feels, is something that i could not comprehend at all. it just makes me sad everytime siyeon kills someone, he always feels guilty and sad while taekyung only think about his company payment. I want siyeon leave taekyung even for awhile so he can realize a bit how siyeon feels back then..