There’s no “always” or “forever”. Only naive people believe in that. Feelings change, people change; like everything else in life, loves comes to the end at one point too, so it’s wiser to be prepared for that. Even if two people stay loving together until the last moment of their lives, their love end when their lives end. It’s true that memories remain but that, too, disappear with time.
I’m just being realistic not cynical. By expecting the end of it, I actually appreciate what’s happening in the moment more than ever. Sometimes I and my partner talk about what we may do if one of us want to end the relationship. What if one of us dies and the other needs to move on. It can be the premise for a very deep and intimate talk.
When the characters in manga say "I've always loved you", how long is 'always' anyway? Cause in most mangas, they were in love with someone else just a chapter back,..!!
Something I wonder everytime I read that line in a manga.