She has that nostalgic, early 90's androgynous quality going on. I kinda like it. It reminds me of being much younger and having crushes on anime characters. LOL Manga art has really advanced. The realism in the art has improved so much. The only thing that really hasn't changed as much as I expected is that most Asian characters still look so western (?) Maybe I mean caucasian. I've only seen a few Japanese manga and Chinese manwhua where the characters look distinctly Asian. I love those. I guess I find Asian facial structure especially attractive and fascinating.

Personally maybe it has something to do with the fact that many Japanese people have very similar features so as a comic (Or in this case manga) artist it can be hard or a bit challenging to try and not make your characters look the same. Whereas western areas have a lot more diversity and it’s overall more appealing and looks a bit more fun. It’s also fun for the artists to draw as well.

I think you may have the right idea in regards to the artist's perception and enjoyment of different drawing style. However, I can't agree with the idea that Asian have all that similar facial structure and features. Personally, I can distinguish a Korean person from a Chinese person from a Japanese person with ease. Then again, I am an observer, a dedicated people watcher. I have a tendency to notice things about people that even they don't recognize themselves. Though I do agree that Westerners have more diverse facial features. Eye color, nose shape, lip size and shape are found in more diverse combinations among Westerners. So, for the sake of that very diversity, I can see why artists use Westerners as models for their drawings. That, however, doesn't put a damper on my fascination with Asian features. Perhaps it is a matter of being enamoured with something that is uncommon or not seen frequently for me. I still seek out and enjoy those rare manga that have distinctly Asian looking characters.

So would I. It would take someone who could not only notice the many subtle differences but also have the talent to transfer those differences to paper in their art. I am sure there are portrait artists who can do it, but the time they would dedicate to each face would be huge. Especially for a medium like a manga where there are multiple faces drawn repeatedly over the course of months or years. Personally, I can't draw a straight line with a ruler. So, even if my words sound critical, they are still filled with respect. Even the worst artist on the planet is miles above me in talent. Of course I respect them. They do something I can't even dare to dream of doing.
Ryou and Kawai look so much alike they could be bros anyway, I was hoping to see a story with Satoshi.