The uke said in another life thye could have been together. The uke has loved one man for his whole life and he is about to die, it’s normal he isn’t falling in love with the doctor, knowing that he is dieing and lost his love. I feel sad for the doctor and i dont think the uke should have proposed sex as a compensation but doctor is bound to be sad no matter what

I know that the He Zhishu is not obligated to return the doctor's feelings nor am I really expecting much of any romance between their relationship but I feel like he is no appreciative that someone truly cares for him no matter how he treats that person or whether or not he returns the doctors feelings. He is just sitting there wallowing in self-pity when the majority of the problem lies with him. He could have left his boyfriend long ago when he found out he was cheating or said something about it but he didn't; he could have gone for treatment a lot earlier to catch the disease beflre it became it came any worse but he didn't. He kept putting off his treatments when it got to the point it got so bad despite the doctor begging him to go through with the treatments; even if he wants to die he could still take medicine to help him cope with his illness and at least rase the pain a bit vut he is willfully not taking any medication and allowing himself to suffer through all that pain despite the doctor and others telling him to take better care of himself. He even admitted in the earlier chapters that most of this issues he has right now are the results of being stubborn and putting the things off until he is about to die
In my opinion, yes, He Zhishu is at a point where he does not want to live but that has been the case ever since his boyfriend was ignoring him and wanted nothing to do with him except for when he wanted sex. He is slowly letting himself die because he lost hope in life because of some damn man. I guess that is also what is pissing me off.

I have lost hope of it ever turning to a romance between him and the doctor because he basically just wants to die. But I also was not expecting him to return his feelings per se. At the very least, show a little bit more appreciate and acknowledge that there is someone in his life that truly cares for him. But he doesn't seem to care about any of that. He just wants to die. It feels like he is just committing suicide, although not by his own hands but due to the disease, because of being heartbroken from his shitty boyfriend. That is how it feels like when I read this manwha.

I agree with you on many points but i dont think the treament (chemotherapy) would have given him much time, and if it did, it would be mainly in the hospital (even if he did it before). Also, do you know when the MC learned that he had cancer?
But yea, he lost his will to live and he knows it’s his own fault but thats why he was rejecting the doctor. He tried to put some distance but the only way he can enjoy (a little at least) the end of his life is by being with the doctor, so he can’t let go either.
I feel sorry for the He Zhishu but he has been really pissing me off lately the way how he has been treating the doctor. The doctor has been nothing but kind to him. He has been the only one to show the uke he cared, loved him and has a lot of affection towards the starting from the very beginning. Does he really just expects the doctor to sit back and watch him die when he knows damn well how the doctor feels about him and with the attitude he has been treating the doctor with?
He seems in some ways to still be pining away for that shitstain of a boyfriend that didn't care enough to inquire why he was losing so much weight and why he was not eating as much anymore. He was too busy fucking around while the uke took his nonsense and never left until the last few chapters while on the other hand, the sweet doctor is practically worshipping the ground he walks on.
I wanted He Zhishu to leave that dirtbag boyfriend from a long time ago, and never could understand why he stayed with that jerk for so long while knowing what he was doing all along? I know he loved him but he was basically being a doormat to Jiang. You can tell that the uke does not cherish himself at all and always regards themselves as a burden to others. Although it is quite a good read it can be so goddamn frustrating as well sometimes.