i'm so pissed how the comments are annoyed for people commenting about how this is rape which is true. i just know that these type of people would be the first ones to victim blame because they became so desensitized and become so dismissive of the rape concept. most manga portray that it will be okay in the end but in reality, it leaves really bad memories and trauma so people shouldn't guilt people for calling rape because it is rape.

someone literally commented this and i'm beyond disgusted "And no he didn't rape Jooin, bc Jooin never tried to stop the sex and eventually only told him to slow down (which implies vocal consent)", this is why i'm happy to see people like you who understand why it's important to point out rape in fiction
several studies have actually shown that because of sexual violence being portrayed this way, people actually start becoming desensitised and may even come to believe (even unconsciously) that sometimes, sexual assault/rape can really lead to love/people who are sexually assaulted feel pleasure while being assaulted. for example, in the porn industry, women are usually portrayed in a way wherein they feel pleasure even though men are being rough on them, and this has actually increased the number of men and women who believe that there are women out there who like being assaulted or that even though women say no at the start, they will eventually succumbed to pleasure. so, yes, even though this is pure fiction, it actually contributes to rape culture, and it's not wrong to keep talking about it until people realises that we shouldn't just brush off stories that portray sexual assault as something normal or something that doesnt lead to grave consequence