Chapter 6.5 tho....

Oikawa Hajime August 13, 2019 10:34 am

This manga was almost perfect. The seme was great and respectful and caring and they had a healthy relationship but chapter 6.5 kinda irked me. I was like "where did the rational, respectful alpha ive grown to love as a seme go?" . And yes the uke wanted a condom and i believe that use of condoms should be consented by both parties right? But the seme didnt put in one and he went straight alpha with those "i wanna impregnate you" and for me, the uke had trauma with rape and with semes telling him shit like that. So with his mate doing that to him.... man it was like a complete 180 degree turn. And his excuse of "its cuz im an alpha. Dont think its all sunshine and rainbows all the time." So whats that mean? That its inevitable that you'll rape him too? Where did the seme who controlled himself go? The one who no matter what happened never pushed past what the uke wanted and was comfortable with? I mean im probably reading into much since this is yaoi what do we expect but many people kept touting this as realistic and if thats how were going to be well imma point this one out as well.

    huehuehue August 13, 2019 11:45 am

    I share your opinion on some degree but I also think that the uke was somewhat okay with that als long as its Hazuki who loves him so much impregnates him. If he would really hate it naoto would have told him, I'm sure of that and I'm sure Hazuki would have stopped I bet he just wanted to be a bit rougher, thats of course no apology in a serious situation tho.