Yess!!!Diesel chooses to find Ein, even though he could forget about him, if he wanted. I'...

Yojam August 13, 2019 7:13 am

Yess!!!Diesel chooses to find Ein, even though he could forget about him, if he wanted. I've been looking forward to this kind of development since ch 58, when Disel said that he didn't have no one else to trust, exept Ein. That statement left me with a nagging doubt, that maybe, all this time, he was forced to stay with Ein by the circumstances and by the fear of being alone, just the same way with Yanek.

    Pixo August 13, 2019 12:21 pm

    I knew Diesel truly loves Ein but I don’t think he realizes that. He needed to spend time away from Ein, to experience what it’s like to have freedom and be with people who care for him and not feel like he’s alone in the world.

    While he’s in a good and safe place, and still misses and wants to be with Ein, that’s when he’ll realize that he actually does love Ein.