Young boys are like that. They are only proper after becoming men.
Don't bother about that. There are jerks but life teaches you right now how to identify and steer away from those jerks. There is one out there that will treat you right. You just have to keep your head up, you're a valuable woman. Take care of yourself, don't let yourself affected by such a small fry.

Assholes like that don't deserve your feelings. Try to show as least of an interest in them as you can.
You don't give a fuck.
You're not mad, sad or hurt.
They toyed with the wrong person.
Try to enjoy life with your friends for a while, do things you enjoy, try new things and see if you like doing them to take your mind of it.
I'm rooting for you, sis (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
The person i like toyed with me. telling me that that person likes me. Fucking then said it was just a prank so basically im hurt so yeah. I hate boys bow officially. Fuck you all. Seriously fuck you all. This was the 4rth time after 3 years ‘cause it hurts before and now once again. I am mad and sad. i hate boys. I dont give a fuck.
You are all thesame.
Just like my dad
Rant 101 bcause im just so fucking done.