I've never had allergies (or none that i know of so far in my 21 years of existence) and i don't know if allergy to dust when cleaning my room counts because almost all of us have that but it' nice to know what in real life it would be like. I know someone who has an allergy to seafoods the first time he had his allergic reaction was so bad, an anaphylactic shock, that he was rushed to the emergency room. But as time passed by, he gradually acquired immunity as he is able to eat seafood but still with meds. You're body is continuously fighting off those antigens that's why when you experience the shock and you survived it you develop antibodies but still with the help of antihistamine. I might be wrong. But i think people have different degree of allergy??

Yes thats true some people have an allergy against pollen and react with swollen eyes runny nose and so on other people only have little bit of a runny nose or whatever.. i don't have any allergy's but most of my family and friends do.. so i guess i got lucky? However not everyone reacts the same way..

Yes, I can truly say to you that sometimes your body wins against the allergies(with the help of vaccines). That actually happened to my mom, she used to have almost the same allergies as me , and she didn't got 100% cured obviously, but her allergies are almost gone, and that was like 20 year ago when she was 17. I'm 20 and I still have the same reactions as when I was little, I don't get better nor worse. I only hope one day my allergies are less risky for me, also I'm happy to hear that your friend is better now c:

Ohh happy to hear that you dont have allergies c:
Yes people react different, I tend to get really bad with them. With pollen I get a really bad runny nose, I get dizzy and my throat starts to swollen, almost not letting me breathe. Those symptoms are almost the same with all my allergies, the vary but are almost the same, I feel like I'm going to faint, its horrible haha
Have a nice night!
Dude! I haven't related this hard with a manga or anything character hahaha
I'm also grass allergic (also pollen and cats xdxd and I love flowers and cats xdxd) and it sucks so baaad, you can't have animals that eat grass, you can go that easy to the park, you can't go to a rabbit café, its so hard. But I'm so happy to see how he (in some kinda unrealistic way haha) managed to keep taking care of the rabbits c':
In real life its not that easy hahaha, he would've probably die since he enter the shop, I can tell you that, because it happened to me, I went to a Japanese rabbit café and since I entered the shop I stopped breathing and and I fainted, It was awful to know that I can't be that close to a rabbit, if I'm not fully protected, hahaha protected, with mask, gloves, super long sleeve shirts or hoodie, to be close to a fluffy and cute rabbit, can you imagine that? hahah
Buuut this is a manga, and he can maybe not be as allergic as I am haha
Either way love so much this mangaka, and the Xxx mangas c':
Have a good day, I'm sure am because this manga gave me the fluffiness for a week hahah