I've said it before but....

Arbitrage August 10, 2019 11:35 pm

The author's notes are SO distracting, please, please, please stop using them so much; I really, REALLY appreciate the translation, but if people can't even understand a basic convo, that's their problem... or they can ask in the comments. 9/10 people will understand the convo abt the cemetary w/o the authors notes....
I might just stick to insta for the translations, or even just read the raws, bc my god they break the entire flow of the story. /sigh

    blatantescapist August 10, 2019 11:39 pm

    Some people are deadass stupid sometimes so it's nice that there are translator notes. Maybe making the font smaller would help? That way they're not obtrusive.

    Lanila xx August 10, 2019 11:43 pm

    No, for me of course i would know what they meant. But if the translator notes is explaining i dont mind because i really want to know specifically

    maou_sama 08 August 10, 2019 11:45 pm
    Some people are deadass stupid sometimes so it's nice that there are translator notes. Maybe making the font smaller would help? That way they're not obtrusive. blatantescapist

    for me they're size is good I have visions problems so it's perfect for me and I really appreciate they're notes (although it seems obvious to me it helps a lot of people especially the ones that are begging to read these of stories/book)

    Yorokobi August 10, 2019 11:59 pm

    Ur makin a big deal out of it. Haysss

    Jimeva August 11, 2019 3:05 pm

    And i’ll answer you again i did hear you the first time and made them less all the insta translations so far i saw are also mine so idk. If someone has a problem no need to put it in the comments come to me i put my insta for a reason. I’m always trying my best to stay nice and do what everyone needs so if you want to complain come to me I answer every single message i get.