I’m curious as well! It would be a really nice mmo and I would play it 24/7. Unfortunately, I dont think there’s the adventurer-guild system just like what you just said. I used to play Eden Eternal, Twin Saga, but so far....Aura Kingdom is the closest. Play Aura Kingdom! It’s an anime style MMORPG and they cute clothes

oh nvm Aura Kingdom HAS THE GUILD QUEST I FORGOT (HAVEN’T PLAYED IT IN A REALLY LONG TIME LOL). yesssssss, you have to submit the quests and the plot is really amazing. You can have 2 classes, meanwhile in Eden Eternal you can level up different jobs/classes. You can trade stuff, sell stuff, you can cook food to get boosts. But there’s no E-S ranks, just levels. Itks amazing

Wow thanks @fujo.senpai
I guess i check em both later and see if it quinch my thirst for isekai
I've read too many isekai story lately and curious if the readers know this type of game existed?? :-
-adventure like storyplot
-a guild where players can submit quest (not managing a guild. Like we given a choice to do the quest from quest boards) and get rewards from the guild lol
-rank up from E to S adventure by doing task
-not puzzle game but like mmorpg style
-can trade/custom weapons/food
-hv option to buy house on selected location (not managing it....coz...u an adventure!)
Well...I am curious if such game existed. Do drop by if u all know ok?
So far I think the neares will be Ragnarok M.... But... there's no adventure guild...just quest to change job..... which is boring after awhile. And they don't hv circle day/night or eat food because hungry.
On other hand...utopian:origin is closes to feel like u are adventure....but again....they don't hv guild for adventure. Just guild made from players. So no rank but they do lvl up....
Actually I don't know why I'm post this.... probably bored hahahhahaa