as much as China's technology is advanced, seems like they haven't progressed a little bit with their fantasies. If I would fantasize, I'd imagine the best plot and scenarios for me where ofc i don't lack such common sense. Their fantasies are so out of this world just like how they still want to take claim of whatever land they want

seems like they still enjoy this kind of story where women are such martyrs and love conquers assholes. i have no such kink and i'll never play mother/savior to men who is downright asshole and toxic, saying to myself “i can heal this man” lmao
ALRIGHT SO, is it just me or have all of the Chinese webcomics anyone else has read been just like this one? A guy with 0 to no interest in the girl with a cold hearted personality that treats the girl like an object. Then the girl who just takes it and does nothing about it and just forgives the guy for everything they do??