
I respectfully disagree with both of you. It is true that you should support your partner when they are going through a rough time, but him treating Sooha like shit just because of his low self-esteem is a whole other story. What Taesoo needs isn't a romantic relationship right now, but therapy and psychological help. She doesn't have to endure being mistreated to the point of crying, no matter how much they love each other. You need to get yourself together and love yourself before you try to love other people if you don't want to hurt them, and possibly yourself too.
people really out here talking about "she should break up with him. HE'S GOT ISSUES" YES BITCH THE MAN GOT ISSUES! it would be weird if after everything he's been through that he would be still all lovey lovey with his girlfriend and be like "you know what after my ex fucked me over again and my drawing arm got fucked up and my girlfriend overworking herself because of me, I'M gonna sniff some flowers and keep being positive" THAT WOULD BE FUCKING WEIRD MY DUDE! I understand "yelling is scary" i understand "communication is key" and i understand "he should find some other way to express himself instead of taking it out on her" I UNDERSTAND but GAWD DAMN IT. realize that all of this happened to him in the span of mmmmmmm idk lets say a year and a half.
1) got fired because your girlfriend lied on you
2)went through an abusive relationship and escaped an abusive girlfriend
3)got scammed after you thought you were paying for an apartment
4)have your ex steal your art and say that its THEIR art
5)have to accept an offer you dont really like but did it because it will benefit a close family member
6) get your drawing arm FUCKED UP
7) your girlfriend out here collapsing because she working herself too hard because of you
If he had smiled all the way through these situations GAWD DAMN THEN THE MANS A FUCKING SOCIOPATH but im pretty sure he's not and just being human and is frustrated with himself. yes i think them together was kind of rush but to jump the ship to hop on another ship, WELL GAWD DAMN IT MAN that'S WACK AS SHIT MY DUDES. but hey do what you got to do. but to give up on this relationship just because they are going through what most relationships go through behind close doors is quite childish and kind of shows how you are either inexperienced or very privileged on having partners who expresses themselves in ways you understand.