I hope people who read the novel can elaborate... Was wenxu only cheating with Chen Zui a...

Anon_aug August 8, 2019 3:42 am

I hope people who read the novel can elaborate...

Was wenxu only cheating with Chen Zui alone? Or were their other boy toys while he was with Chen zui & zhishu?
And why was he with Chen zui for 3years if all he wanted was fuck boys?

    rkrk August 8, 2019 4:17 am

    He had a couple of affairs but iirc Chen Zui's the longest because he resembled Zhishu the most

    Dr-Erotica August 8, 2019 4:14 pm
    He had a couple of affairs but iirc Chen Zui's the longest because he resembled Zhishu the most rkrk

    Haven't read it yet just the spoilers but if its that true, that the seme's affair looks like his current lover, that's even more fucked up.

    Anon_aug August 9, 2019 8:22 pm
    He had a couple of affairs but iirc Chen Zui's the longest because he resembled Zhishu the most rkrk

    Thanx for your reply..
    I am aware that he had other affairs in his life. What I am curious about is whether Chen zui was the only affair in the last 3 years?