Yes! Someone please tell us this manga!

i remember reading this, but i dont know the title.

Oh god It sounds so interesting q.q I wanna read it

I also would love to read this... It sounds quite awesome <3

I hope anybody know the manga

Shit, come on! Someone please tell us what manga this is! I'm dying to know!

Please ! Tell us , please!!!!

i want to read it as well so plz some tell us wat manga this is

I wanna read this kathy save us ;3

I don't know if this is the right one, but I really wanna find it!!

Maybe they just did a story up to make us all want to read it but actually it's not a manga?

I would be very heartbroken if that were true..... PLEASE, SOMEONE SAVE OUR POOR HEARTS

Holy shit does really no one know it ?!

I wanna read it ):

Face it nobody knows it at the moment and it's not interval (the one himeko7 thought it is) we have to go one and read something different

ugh, im so disappointed! i really wanna read this manga!

I know a really simaliar one that I've read but i forgot the name T_T but the one i read was a one shot not the same story but its really simaliar,
plotish: It takes place in a school(highschool/college) uke is japanese while seme is halfjapanes i think and he

ops i posted my comment without finish the whole plot lol, anyways he's halfjapanes abut hes darkskinned, and he wanted to try to have sex with a guy and these been a rumor that the uke is gay(and hes bullied i think because of that)so they have sex but the seme actually
only did it because of a bet >_>

Sounds nice. Wish i knew it.

In the end nobody knew it
I really want to read a yaoi manga that is a uke is always been bullied then the seme is a popular guy in the school. The one day one of the seme Friend bet with the seme that he have to make the uke off in love with him and have a sex with him. Or any thing that is a prove that the uke suck a dick, because they bet for the Money or something. Then the uke really fell in love with the seme then the seme take picture of the uke sucking his dick. The he give to his friend. Then they put the picture around the school. The the bullying get worst on the uke. Something like that I really want to read it!!!!!
The uke is a person who is a orphan and living alone. The seme is a sun of a politician and the chairman of the school
I hope someone knows the manga this time~